Page 50 - Plastics News March 2021
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in the news
ख. खंड (क), ‘जवजनमााणकताा’ िब् द के जलए ‘उत् पादक’/ ब्ांडस्ट् वामी’ िब् द अंत:स्ट् थाजपत दकए जागेगे और ‘कैरी बैग’
िब् द के बाद, ‘ब्ांड स्ट् वाजमय द्वारा उपयगग में लाई गई प् लाजस्ट्टक पैकेंजग’, िब् द अंत:स्ट् थाजपत दकए जागेगे
ग. खंड (ख) में, ‘बुस्ट् तरीय पैकेंजग’ िब् द के बाद, (तयाजतत सामजरियय के जलए उपयगग में लाई गई बु-स्ट् तरीय
पैकेंजग कग हटाकर), िब् द, अंत: स्ट् थाजपत दकए जागेगे
घ. खंड (ग) में, ‘नाम और प्रमाणपत्र संख् या’ िब् द के बाद, ‘उत् पादक’ िब् द अंत: स्ट् थाजपत दकया जाागा
10. जनयम (12) में-
क. उप-जनयम (2) में, ‘‘अपजि ट जनक’’ िब् द के बाद, ‘पर प्रजतबंध/ जनेेध’, िब् द अंत: स्ट् थाजपत दकए जागेगे
ख. उप-जनयम (3) में, ‘‘अपजि ट जनक’’ िब् द के बाद, ‘पर प्रजतबंध/ जनेेध’, िब् द अंत: स्ट् थाजपत दकए जागेगे
11. जनयम (13) में,
क. उप-जनयम (1) में ‘संबं्ध संघ राज् य क्षेत्र’ िब् द के बाद, ‘या केन् द्रीय प्रदूेण जनयंत्रण बगडा’ िब् द अंत: स्ट् थाजपत
दकया जाता है
[फा.सं. 17-2/2001(पाटा)पाटा-I-एचएसएमडी]
नरेि पाल गंगवार, संयुक् त सजचव
रटप् पण:
i. मूल जनयम, भारत के राजपत्र, भाग II, खंड 3, उप-खंड (i) में संख् यांक सा.का.जन. 320 (अ), ददनांक 18
माचा, 2016 द्वारा प्रकाजित दकए गए थे
ii. प् लाजस्ट्टक अपजि ट प्रबंधन (संिगधन) जनयम, 2018, भारत के राजपत्र, भाग II, खंड 3, उप-खंड (i) में
संख् यांक सा.का.जन. 285 (अ), तारीख, 27 माचा, 2018 द्वारा प्रकाजित दकए गए थे
New Delhi, the 11th March, 2021
G.S.R. 169(E).—The following draft notification which the Central Government proposes to issue, in
exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), for
making certain amendments in the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, issued vide G.S.R. 320 (E), dated the 18th
March, 2016, is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986,
for information of the public likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said notification will be
taken into consideration by the Central Government on or after the expiry of sixty days from the date on which copies
of this notification as published in the Gazette of India are made available to the public;
Any person interested in making any objection or suggestion on the proposals contained in the draft
notification may do so in writing within the period so specified through post to the Secretary, Ministry of
Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi-110003 or
electronically at email address:,
Draft Notification
Whereas, the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 were notified by Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change vide G.S.R. 320 (E), dated the 18th March, 2016 bringing new provisions for effective and improved
collection, segregation, processing, treatment and disposal of the plastic waste in an environmentally sound manner
thereby, reducing the plastic waste generation and its impact on the environment;
Whereas, the Rules, inter alia, prohibit the use of plastic bags, sheets or like with thickness less than 50
microns. Also sachets using plastic material, as per the Rules, shall not be used for storing, packing or selling gutkha,
tobacco and pan masala.
Whereas, many State Governments through their own notifications have imposed partial or complete ban on
the use of plastic carry bags/single-use plastic items in their respective States.
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