Page 28 - Plastics News May 2017
P. 28


         Sadara Chemical Company announces startup of fourth and final

         plastics plant

            adara Chemical Company (Sadara) has announced the   Sadara’s products will be utilized for downstream
          Sstartup of its fourth and final polyethylene unit, the   applications by investors located in the adjacent PlasChem
          High Pressure Low Density Polyethylene (HP-LDPE) Train.   Park in Jubail, which is a collaborative effort between
          This marks a significant milestone for the company as it   Sadara and the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu.
          continues to bring its world-scale manufacturing facilities   Located next to Sadara’s chemical complex, PlasChem Park
          on stream. The HP-LDPE Train joins the two Linear Low   leverages advantages of the strong industrial and services
          Density PE trains (PE Trains 1 & 2) and the one Elastomers   infrastructure in Jubail, secure feedstock, proximity to
          train (PE Train 4), which came on stream over the last 15   growing  and  emerging  markets,  and  a  qualified  local
                                                                workforce. Collectively, these factors offer investors
                                                                unprecedented growth and development opportunities,
                                                                the potential to create thousands of sustainable jobs, and
                                                                make a positive and lasting impact on the Saudi economy.
                                                                PE Train 3 is one of 26 manufacturing units located in
                                                                the  multi-billion  dollar  Sadara  Chemical  Complex  in
                                                                Jubail Industrial City II in Saudi Arabia. Of these units, 14
                                                                will deliver products that are completely new to being
                                                                produced in the GCC.


          months, to complete the company’s plastics plants. Ziad
          Al-Labban, Sadara CEO, commented on the occasion,        COTTAGE INDUSTRY
          saying,  "The  successful  startup  of  the  fourth  and  final      MANUFACTURERS OF:
          Sadara Plastics plant is a milestone achievement for
          the Sadara team and illustrates the results of successful    Envelopes, Flat Files, Plastic Files & Folders
          teamwork at both the company and shareholder levels. The        U/O Pads, Exam Pads, Table Pads.
          products from the Plastics plants will provide feedstocks
          which will support the development of secondary and                  MANUFACTURERS OF:
          tertiary manufacturing investments in the Kingdom of      “HANSA” PP FILES & PP Folders
          Saudi Arabia."

          Each  of Sadara’s four Plastics  plants has  world-class           D. Dhananjaya Kumar
          capacity  and  flexible  capabilities  for  producing  highly        New #44A, (Old # 22),
          specialized grades of plastic products. PE Trains 1 and 2       BadrianSreet, Chennai – 600 001.
          produce a wide variety of Linear Low Density Polyethylene   Tel. No.: 044 25387630 / 25381915/ 25368295
          (LLDPE) and High Density Polyethylene  (HDPE) product
          grades, while PE Train 4 is the first facility in the Kingdom      Mobile: 9444023242
          to produce Elastomers, a very low density form of
          polyethylene, and has the flexibility to produce LLDPE            Email:
          as well. In addition to supplying international markets,

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