Page 12 - Plastics News May 2019
P. 12


          AIPMA’s Presentation on ‘Industry Perspective on Single Use Plastics’

          in Expert Committee Meeting

             he 2nd meeting of Expert committee to define       7KH  SUHVHQWDWLRQ  KLJKOLJKWHG  WKH  VLJQLÀFDQFH  RI  WKH
          T‘Single Use Plastics’ was held on 22nd April, 2019 at   products based on its functionality, convenience,
          Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC),    safety, consumer preferences, carbon footprints and
          Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of   environmental, social and economic impact. AIPMA
          India. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Indrajeet Pal,   highlighted that the industry is aligned towards
          Former Secretary to Government of India.              environment protection. However, phasing out of any
          The meeting started with address to Prof. Dr. S.K.Nayak,   plastic product should be considered only after 360
          Director General, CIPET. Following the address to Dr. S.K.   degree evaluation and emphasis should be given on
          Nayak, presentations was made by CPM, FICCI, PlastIndia   SUDFWLFDO  H[HFXWLRQ  WRZDUGV  ÀQGLQJ  VROXWLRQ   ,W  DOVR
          Foundation and AIPMA.                                 highlighted that the stakeholders across the value chain
          From AIPMA, Mr. Hiten Bheda, Chairman – Environment   have to contribute towards successful implementation.
          and Recycling Committee gave the presentation on behalf   The meeting was concluded with vote of thanks to
          of AIPMA. Mr. Deepak Ballani, Director General, AIPMA   the chair.
          was also present in the meeting.

          Seminar on Future for Plastics Industry on Environment and

          Management, Surat

             Seminar on Future for Plastics Industry on Environment   & Leadership, Banking scheme for MSME’s, Gujarat
          Aand Management was held on April 27 , 2019,  at the   Incentive Schemes for Plastics Industry and among others
          SGCCI, Surat .The seminar started sharp at 4.30 p.m by   were highlighted and emphasized during seminar. Most
          lighting lamp and giving warm welcome and introduction   of plastics manufacturers’s attended in seminar and
          by Harshad Desai, Chairman- AIPMA Seminar Committee.   exchanged thoughts and ideas during networking. The
          Seminar was fecilitated by Mr. Kishore Sampat, VP- west,   seminar was in association with South Gujarat Plastics
          AIPMA as master of ceremony.                          Mftrs’ Association.
          More than 100 particpants participated from Plastics   Every speaker was felicitated after presentation followed
          industry of Surat. Topics like role of EPR, Management   by Q & A session with the audince. Vot of thanks was
                                                                proposed by SGPMA.

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