Page 50 - Plastics News May 2019
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          Baerlocher's new additives                             Amcor Launches New Recyclable

                                                                 Pouch Packaging
             aerlocher has introduced new additives called as
          BBaeropol DRS 6812.Baeropol DRS 6812, which offers
          higher solubility and can be used in “generally recognized   mcor has launched AmLite Ultra Recyclable, its
          as safe” (GRAS) applications. The material comes in the   AÀUVW SDFNDJLQJ SURGXFW PDGH IURP WKH FRPSDQ\·V
          form of low-dust sprayed prills, which minimize airborne   PRUH VXVWDLQDEOH KLJK EDUULHU SRO\ROHÀQ ÀOP WKDW WKH
          particles that can cause skin irritation.              company announced last year. The new high-barrier
                                                                 laminate can package a range of food, home and
                                                                 personal care, and pharmaceutical products, and
                                                                 EH UHF\FOHG LQ H[LVWLQJ SRO\ROHÀQ UHF\FOLQJ VWUHDPV
                                                                 AmLite Ultra Recyclable is the latest addition to
                                                                 Amcor’s successful AmLite product line, which was
                                                                 ÀUVW  FUHDWHG  LQ        WR  SURYLGH  PHWDO IUHH  EDUULHU
                                                                 SDFNDJLQJ WKDW VLJQLÀFDQWO\ UHGXFHG WKH SDFNDJLQJ·V
                                                                 carbon footprint.
                                                                 This new generation of AmLite adds recyclability to
                                                                 WKH HQYLURQPHQWDO EHQHÀWV DQG LV WKH FXOPLQDWLRQ RI
          “Baerlocher USA’s Baeropol DRS 6812 additive provided
          an environmentally safe, cost-effective additive material   VHYHUDO \HDUV RI UHVHDUFK DQG GHYHORSPHQW   7KH ÀOP
          that allowed us to address some of our key processing   and its application represent another advancement
          concerns,” said Sylvain Séguin, Technical Sales and Product   towards Amcor’s pledge to develop all its packaging
          Manager at FD Plastics. “Additionally, Baerlocher USA   to be recyclable or reusable by 2025."Our recyclable
          provided us with excellent customer service and technical   laminate delivers high-barrier protection, can be
          support that have been extremely helpful to us in our   XVHG  RQ  RXU  FXVWRPHUV·  ÀOOLQJ  PDFKLQHV   DQG  FDQ
          Baeropol T-1111  Baeropol T-1111 is a blended synergistic   polyolefin collection
          polymer stabilizer pre-formulated to provide stabilization   and recycling streams
          for most polymer applications including films, pipe,   exist," said Luca Zerbini,
          wood-plastic composites and automotive applications,   vice president of
          said Baerlocher USA. The stabilizer enabled FD Plastics   marketing, innovation,
          to develop a highly loaded masterbatch that was tested   and sustainability at
          by the geo-membrane customer in an approval process    Amcor. "AmLite Ultra
          requiring a number of scale-up production trials, with   Recyclable will help
          VXEVHTXHQW SURGXFW WHVWLQJ  ´:H DUH YHU\ SOHDVHG ZLWK WKH   solve sustainability
          OIT test results from Baeropol T-1111 because it proves   challenges for
          that the product meets our geo-membrane customer’s
          tough requirements,” Séguin, said. “This technology also   consumer goods
          offers us huge potential for sales growth in geo-membrane   brands, pharmaceutical companies and retailers,
          applications and may be of interest to customers in other   and help keep plastics out of the environment."AmLite
          sectors.” The Baeropol DRS 6812 and Baeropol T-1111    can be used for a variety of formats, such as pillow
          additives offered FD Plastics customizable solutions to   SRXFKHV  VWDQG XS DQG VSRXWHG SRXFKHV  EDJV  OLGGLQJ
          address its customer’s key concerns, while Baerlocher   IRU WUD\V DQG FRQWDLQHUV  VWLFN SDFNV DQG PRUH  $P/LWH
          USA’s extensive test data on resin stabilization technology   Ultra Recyclable will allow Amcor’s customers to move
          (RST) also avoided the need for additional testing. Further,   WR UHF\FODEOH ÁH[LEOH SDFNDJLQJ DFURVV D YDULHW\ RI
          since RST can be used for GRAS applications, the material   consumer-product segments, including coffee, snacks,
          is suited for products such as toys, maple syrup tubing and   dry pet food, baby nutrition, pharmaceuticals, and
          IRRG SDFNDJLQJ ÀOP                                     home and personal care.

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