Page 64 - Plastics News May 2019
P. 64


          UNGA president praises India’s                         Bengaluru's BBMP to focus on

          war on plastic pollution                               waste treatment

              nited Nations General Assembly President Maria         he civic body Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagar Palike
          UFernanda Espinosa Garces has praised India’s war      Thas decided to increase the capacities of the seven
          on plastic pollution. Speaking in Noida  on the problem   waste treatment plants in the city. The BBMP estimated
          of plastic pollution choking the oceans and efforts to   the average amount of trash dumped at Bellahalli to
                                                                 be 1,000 tons, but it increased to 2,000 tons from last
                                                                 \HDU IROORZLQJ WKH KH FORVXUH RI WKH RWKHU ODQGÀOOV  ,W
                                                                 said Bellahalli had taken eight lakh tons of waste from
                                                                 the city since 2016. Of the 4,500-5,000 tons of waste
                                                                 produced in the city each day, the BBMP processes
                                                                 about 2,250 tons at the seven treatment plants located
                                                                 at various places. Of these, the plants at Kannahalli,
                                                                 Chikkanagamangala and KCDC process 500 tons per
                                                                 day, while the Lingenahalli, Doddabidarikallu and
                                                                 Subbarayanapura plants process 200 tons each. The
                                                                 SODQW DW 6LJHKDOOL SURFHVVHV     WRQV D GD\   :H KDYH
          combat it, she singled out India for its efforts. “Let me   GHFLGHG QRW WR LGHQWLI\ DQ\ PRUH SODFHV WR EH D ODQGÀOO
          just mention and praise India for its commitment”, she    DIWHU %HOODKDOOL ÀOOV RXW    %%03·V MRLQW FRPPLVVLRQHU
          said.. Espinosa said, “The challenge of plastics is one   IRU VROLG ZDVWH PDQDJHPHQW 6DUIDUD] .KDQ VDLG   :H G
          that spans the entire globe, every region, every ocean,   like to process all the waste generated in the city.
          together”. She has made the war on single-use plastics   SURFHVVLQJ SODQWV  :H OO GR ELR PLQLQJ LQ WKH SUHYLRXV
          a priority of her presidency and launched her campaign    ÀOOHG RXW  ODQGÀOOV OLNH LNH 0DQGXU  'RGGDELGDULNDOOX
          against it last December. About 15 million tonnes of plastic   Bingipura and Lakshmipura once the solid waste turns
          litter pollute the oceans every year, according to some   into methane gas that could be extracted," Khan added.
          calculations. To bring the message to a wider audience,
          especially the young, she announced a festival against
          plastic pollution,”Play it Out”, in Antigua in June. The
          concert with the theme of “Play it Out 2 Phase it Out” is to
          be streamed online by the UN TV and headlined by Ashanti,
          a Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter and actress
          along with Machel Montano, a Soca musician.“This concert
          is about raising awareness, it’s about educating people to
          the seriousness of .the situation”. It is estimated that 90
          per cent of plastics ending up in the oceans come from 10
          rivers, among them the Ganges. The metro cities of Delhi   7KH ELR PLQLQJ ZLOO ÀUVW EHJLQ LQ WKH DEDQGRQHG ODQGÀOO
          and Mumbai and Tamil Nadu state have banned various    at Baglur. It will continue at Mittaganahalli by early next
          types of single-use plastic. The United Nations General   \HDU   :H·OO XVH TXDUU\ SLWV WR GXPS RWKHU W\SH RI ZDVWH
          $VVHPEO\  81*$ RU *$  )UHQFK  $VVHPEOpH JpQpUDOH  $*    like construction debris, e-waste and others," Khan
          is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations   said. A French company will mechanically segregate
          (UN), the only one in which all member nations have equal   waste supplied by the BBMP into energy,  which would
          representation, and the main deliberative, policy-making,   then be sold to the Karnataka Power Corporation
          and representative organ of the UN.                    Limited at a cost of Rs 7.08 per unit.

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