Page 38 - Plastics News May 2021
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Lassonde launches bottles with Amcor launches recyclable
25% rPET content thermoform blister packaging
orth American food and beverage company Lassonde mcor is trialling with its newly launched recyclable
Nhas launched bottles made from 25% post-consumer Apolyethylene (PE) based thermoform blister
food-grade recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) packaging solution called the AmSky blister system.
resin. The bottles will be used for all the company’s The sustainable alternative healthcare packaging helps
juice brands that are available in 300ml packages in reduce carbon emissions by up to 70% compared to
Canada. All Lassonde existing packaging solutions currently on the market.
portion-size bottles Once delivered, AmSky will be the first child-resistant
for the retail market and senior-friendly (CRSF) recyclable solution for the
a n d food se rvice most in-demand type of pharmaceutical packaging.
industry, including Amcor chief commercial officer Peter Konieczny said:
Oasis, Allen’s, Fairlee “Amcor is deploying its unique innovation capabilities to
and Fruité, will adopt solve the biggest and most significant issues in packaging
the bottle design. today. “With AmSky, we have signalled our commitment
to breakthrough innovation in the healthcare space.
The transition is due This is why we remain the packaging partner of choice
to be completed by for our healthcare customers, generating close to
the end of June. $2bn in annual sales in this market. “This blister
Lassonde president packaging solution will significantly enhance the
and chief operating ability of healthcare and pharmaceutical brands to
officer Jean Gattuso put sustainability at the heart of their businesses.”
said: “This initiative AmSky uses PE thermoform blister and lidding film
is the logical next as an alternative to polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which
step in our efforts to can contaminate other materials or make packaging
develop even more difficult to recycle. The company is currently working
eco-friendly containers and promote the circular with various leading pharmaceutical companies to
economy. “It’s another step toward achieving our launch AmSky on the global market. It is expected to be
sustainable development goals.” The launch of the
sustainable packaging is in keeping with Lassonde’s
vision for sustainable development. By 2025, the
company aims to replace all its plastic straws, introduce
50% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content in its PET
packaging, and use fully recyclable packaging for
all its products. Lassonde will also collaborate with
governments, industry and associations to promote
effective sorting and collection of recyclable materials.
Lassonde executive vice-president and general manager
Claire Bara said: “This new initiative builds on the
momentum we initiated last year, with the launch of
paper straws on KIJU juices and Simple Drop water launched in the healthcare market by the second half
offered in individually sized multi-layer containers.” of next year. In January, Amcor announced a labelling
service option for brands to demonstrate their carbon
The company has taken several measures to reduce its reduction efforts to end consumers. The company
environmental impact, including reducing the weight said that brands can opt to print the ‘Reducing CO₂
of its packaging and the amount of water used in its Packaging’ label, which was created by the UK-based
cooling and sanitisation processes.
Carbon Trust, on Amcor packaging from this year.
Plastics News May 2021 38