Page 26 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 26


         and prioritize reuse and donation over disposal. By promoting conscious consumerism and waste reduction, ViaGreen is
         making significant impacts towards a cleaner and more sustainable Mumbai.

                  Source :-

         Waste Management Boosts Profit Margins by Rerouting and Replacing Trash Trucks

                   aste Management, North America's largest waste and recycling company, saw a notable increase in its profit
                   margin, which now stands at 29.7%, as a result of recent investments in side-loading trucks and vehicle-
                   routing technology. Utilizing software that functions as "Waze on steroids," the firm has streamlined its routes
                                                                    for  collecting  industrial  trash,  leading  to  increased
                                                                    productivity  and decreased  operational  complexity.
                                                                    Additionally, the introduction of side-loading trucks
                                                                    has aided in simplifying operations because they only
                                                                    need one driver and increase safety. with plans to re-
                                                                    place 2,000 rear-loading trucks with side-loaders by
                                                                    2025 in order to increase margins even more. Despite
                                                                    of various obstacles including backlogs in the sup-
                                                                    ply chain and community adjustments to new waste
                                                                    disposal guidelines, the firm maintains optimism over
                                                                    meeting its efficiency targets and being profitable.


         In 2024, India to be among top 4 contributors of microplastics released into waterbodies

                   ccording to 2024 survey report, India is in the top four countries, along with China, the US, and Japan, for
                   contributing the most microplastics pollution to the world's water bodies. In the recent report India is pre-
                   dicted to emit 391,879 tons of microplastics, raising frightening figures and environmental worries.  These
                   microplastics, which are plastic particles that are no big-
                   ger than five millimetres, come from a variety of sources,
         including inappropriate trash disposal, textile fibre shedding, and tire
         abrasion. Furthermore, the build-up of chemical additives in micro-
         plastics presents significant health hazards, such as cancer, inflam-
         mation, and neurotoxicity, highlighting the urgent need for mitigating

         India is actively involved in International initiatives such as the In-
         tergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) to combat plastic
         pollution through scientific innovation and waste management pro-
         grams, even if the country acknowledges the existence of microplas-
         tics in its water bodies. Challenges still exist, though, as amount of
         plastic trash generated worldwide rises faster than waste manage-
         ment capacity can keep up with the demand for solutions that go beyond recycling.

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