Page 52 - Plastics News November 2018
P. 52
Business news
Chromaflo Technologies acquires CECOPLAS Colorants
hromaflo Technologies, the premier global provider of South Africa, China and India. Sales and technical support
Ccolorant technology solutions, has acquired Central is also provided throughout North and South America,
de Colores Plásticos’ (CECOPLAS) colorants business. Europe, Australia, China, India and Southeast Asia.
Chromaflo Technologies and CECOPLAS have come to a Commitment to excellence is driven by three core values:
purchase agreement whereby Chromaflo Technologies quality, speed and service. All Chromaflo Technologies
will a cqu ire manufacturing facilities are ISO-9001 certified, while many
CECOPLAS’ colorants also hold ISO-14001 and/or OHSAS-18001 certifications.
with production in
Querétaro, Mexico. The
business acquisition is Brightmark Energy buys
effective November 1,
2018. “The acquisition majority stake in RES Polyflow
of this business from
CECOPLAS is consistent rightmark Energy LLC has taken majority
with our efforts in Bownership in RES Polyflow LLC, a plastics-to-fuel
supplying quality company that is planning a plant in Ashley, Ind.The
colorants and additives for high performance thermoset San Francisco-based company, which calls itself a
products in the Americas’ markets and beyond,” said Scott renewable energy development firm, has invested
$10 million in RES Polyflow and committed another
Becker, President and CEO of Chromaflo Technologies. $47 million to develop the company’s first plant.“This
“The addition of CECOPLAS will provide us an opportunity is a tremendous
to serve the Mexican market to a more effective degree.” o ppo r tunity to
Production will remain at the current location in Mexico.
combat a major
This will enhance Chromaflo Technologies’ North American environmental ill
manufacturing facilities.“With any merger or acquisition, and create positive
our number-one goal is to assure continuity of supply economic incentives
while building stronger relationships to enable us to meet in the process,”
and exceed customers’ expectations,” said Larry Haines, Brightmark CEO
Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions of Chromaflo Bob Powell said
Technologies. “We are confident that our acquisition of in a statement.
CECOPLAS will add to our mission and create an improved “We look forward
service level for existing clients.” CECOPLAS (Central de to developing
Colores Plásticos, S.A. de C.V.) is a Mexican Company additional plastics
with more than 20 years in the market manufacturing conversion facilities
high quality products for the plastics industry. Clients are both across the
plastics manufacturers, compounders and molders mainly United States
comprised of PVC, PUR, Polyester, Polyolefins, among and globally over
others supporting applications in automotive, textiles, the next several
shoes, toys and associated applications. Chromaflo years.”The facility
Technologies is a leading independent global supplier will have the capacity to covert 100,000 tons of
of colorant systems, chemical and pigment dispersions, plastic waste into 18 million gallons of low-sulfur fuel
serving customers in architectural and industrial coatings and naphtha blend stocks. The site also will be able
as well as the thermoset plastics market. Headquartered in to produce five million gallons of wax each year.RES
Ashtabula, Ohio, U.S., Chromaflo has production facilities Polyflow already has agreements for the sale of the
in the U.S., Canada, The Netherlands, Finland, Australia, fuel and wax.
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