Page 60 - Plastics News November 2018
P. 60

produCt news

          Constantia Flexibles introduces                        Nordson’s new digital tool

          sustainable packaging line                             'SmartGap'

             onstantia Flexibles has developed a new, more          ordson  Corporation  has  developed  a  digital  tool
         Csustainable packaging line named Ecolutions. The  Nfor comparing the cost inputs of standard sheet
         packaging line Ecolutions meets sustainable requirements,   dies with removable lower lips and those of the EDI®
                                    reduces the carbon footprint   SmartGap™ mechanism for rapidly changing sheet
                                    of  packaging,  focuses  on   thickness.  The tool, called the SmartGap Payback
                                    recyclable solutions and     Analysis, enables sheet manufacturers to calculate the
                                    decreases the impact         payback time for switching to SmartGap technology.
                                    on the environment. In       SmartGap technology enables manufacturers to
                                    addition to the sustainable   make changes in thickness with unprecedented
                                    ch a ra ct e rist ics, t h e   speed, extend the range of thicknesses that they
                                    packaging solutions have     can produce, and achieve these improvements while
                                    all the properties required   enhancing sheet quality. The system uses a single-point
                                    to protect the packaged      adjustment mechanism that changes the lip gap while
                                                                 simultaneously modifying the length of the lip land
                                    products. It is lightweight,   to provide the most appropriate conditions for the
                                    and its OPE/PE structure is   newly adjusted thickness as the sheet exits the die.
         fully recycle-ready due to its mono-material structure.   By mechanically linking the adjustment of these two
         In  addition,  its  carbon  footprint is  approximately  32%   key process variables, the SmartGap system ensures a
         smaller than that of comparable products. Another       proper set-up of the die and takes substantial time and
         advantage of the EcoLam packaging line are the great    guesswork out of the process for achieving desired sheet
         barrier properties. From Eco Lam, to EcoLamPlus to      properties. Users of the SmartGap Payback Analysis
         EcoLamHighPlus, the level of moisture, oxygen and even   enter two types of information: 1) the one-time costs
         aroma, as well as mineral oil, is getting higher and higher.   of equipment investment for a standard sheet die with
         For common high barrier packaging solutions, usually    removable lower lip and for a new SmartGap system;
         multi-material laminates are used to achieve high barrier   and  2)  process  data
         properties. But the lamination of different material groups   including die length,
         can hamper the recycling process. EcoLamPlus and EcoLam   output  rate, number
         HighPlus combine excellent barrier properties with the   of die gap and die
         environmental benefits of a mono-material, which can    lip changes, number
         be fully recycled. EcoLam is used by Asian Paints. India’s   of  working  days,
         largest "Do it Yourself" manufacturer has switched all their   raw material cost,
         DIY products from PET/PE to EcoLam. In addition, dry    approximate product
         pet food, laundry products including powders, tabs and   selling  price, and
         capsules can be packed in EcoLam. Because of the quality   burden cost of sheet
         oxygen and moisture barrier, EcoLamPlus is suitable     line per hour.
         for meat, cheese and dairy products in pouches. As      Using these inputs, the tool calculates the daily output
         EcoLamHighPlus provides an additional high barrier against   values of the two systems, including downtime, missed
         both moisture and oxygen, it is tideal for salad dressings   production output, downtime cost, missed product
         and coffee beans. When replacing one million standard   gross profit, and total downtime cost; compares the
         aluminum lids with EcoCover, savings can be achieved    time required for changing die lips versus that needed
         equal the amount of CO2 emitted by approximately one    for changing the die gap in the SmartGap system; and
         passenger car driven for one year. This corresponds to a   estimates the how long it would take for a complete
         reduction of the carbon footprint of up to 50%, which can   return on an investment in the SmartGap system.The
         be achieved by downgauging of the aluminum thickness,   SmartGap system eliminates the extended shutdowns
         which saves valuable resources.                         for changes in lip components.

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