Page 29 - Plastics News November 2019
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          The - K 2019 concludes successfully

          The 3,330 exhibitors  from 63 nations proved impressively that  plastics  continue  to be an innovative,
          indispensable material

             2019,  the  leading  global trade  fair  for the  plastics   has the industry addressed an issue so unanimously and
          K and rubber industry during the week  16-23 October   worked on solutions so consistently as is the case now in
          2019  concluded successfully.   The week-long trade   the fields of environmental compatibility, saving resources
          fair  in Düsseldorf  witnessing over 3,330 exhibitors   and avoiding waste. There is a spirit of new departures
          from 63 nations proved impressively: plastics continue   prevailing in the industry and current dynamics are
          to be an innovative, indispensable material. But they   overwhelming.”
          also unanimously underscored the necessity of having   And the positive mood prevailing at K 2019 was also echoed
          operational circular economies along the complete     by  concrete  demand  at  exhibition  stands:  “It  became
          material chain and to this end already presented numerous   clear that global demand for innovative machinery and
          concrete solutions. Companies struck a nerve with people   raw materials is particularly high right now, despite the
          with this focus because the approximately 224,116 visitors   current tensions in world trade or the business climate in
          from 168 countries took great interest especially in   some consumer sectors. This year’s K has by far exceeded
          recycling systems, sustainable raw materials, resource-  our expectations and was able to generate key impetus
          saving processes. Furthermore, K 2019 was characterised   for sustainable governance  and new  business  models,”
          by a high propensity to invest as before. The intention   said Reifenhäuser.
          among the international trade audience to get perfectly
          geared up for the future with the latest technologies was   The nations especially well represented on the part of
          clearly perceivable.                                  visitors after Germany were Italy, the Netherlands, India,
                                                                Turkey and China, followed by the USA. Furthermore, a
           “K 2019 came at precisely the right point in time. Its   marked increase in the number of trade visitors from the
          enormous importance for the sector is underpinned by its   Russian Federation, Japan and Brazil could be registered.
          high acceptance levels all over the world. There is no other   The number of executives among K visitors rose slightly
          place the industry is represented so internationally and   yet again: to the tune of 68% came from top or middle
          completely as here in Düsseldorf every three years,” says   management. While for German trade visitors increased
          Werner Matthias Dornscheidt, President & CEO of Messe   efficiency ranked first as today’s most important issue,
          Düsseldorf, and explains: “Especially in turbulent times   for European and non-European trade fair guests the
          platforms such as K are indispensable. It provides guidance   expansion of product and service portfolios was in the
          and perspectives, is an economic driver, shows forward-  foreground.
          looking trends and concrete approaches. The industry
          and its professional associations enjoyed the unique   Results from the visitor survey confirmed a view held by
          opportunity here to present sector-specific solutions and   exhibitors – namely that the international origin of visitors
          debate questions of socio-political relevance on a global   had increased yet again: It stood at 73.1% as compared with
          scale. And they have capitalised on this
          opportunity outstandingly well.”
          Ulrich Reifenhäuser, Chairman of the
          Exhibitor Advisory Board at K 2019, was
          absolutely delighted at K 2019 results: “The
          plastics and  rubber  industry succeeded in
          proving once again that plastics are not only
          very valuable materials with outstanding
          properties but also that this industry assumes
          responsibility along the entire value chain.
          The buzzwords at K 2019 “Reflect. Re-Think.
          Think Laterally. Think Afresh.” were mirrored
          1:1 by exhibitors’ stands. Never before

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