Page 46 - Plastics News November 2019
P. 46

internAtionAL news

          71% of California voters support                       Environmentalists plan pellet

          tax  on  plastics  manufacturers                       pollution lawsuit in South
          according to survey                                    Carolina

             new survey of California voters found that 71 percent   nvironmental groups in South Carolina say the state
          A support key policies of a 2020 ballot initiative to tax   Eand a company in charge of shipping plastic pellets
          plastic manufacturers, officials with San Francisco-based   isn’t doing enough to stop them from going into the
          Recology said. The “California Recycling and Plastics Pollution   harbor and showing up on the beaches around Charleston.
                                              Reduction Act      State officials said it was a “one-time accident,” but
                                              of 2020” would     environmental groups have been patrolling the beaches
                                              assess a fee of    and say the company continues to pollute the harbor.
                                              up to 1 cent per   South Carolina environmental officials have said a July
                                              plastic package.   spill of plastic pellets from a local packaging company
                                              The  fee  could    that littered beaches for miles was a one-time accident,
                                              be passed on to    but  an  investigation  by  the  Charleston  Waterkeeper
                                              consumers in the   shows the pollution is ongoing. Plastic pellets began
                                              form of higher     showing up on Lowcountry beaches in July, according
                                              prices. Caryl      to a lawsuit notice from the Charleston Waterkeeper
                                              Hart and Linda     and the South Carolina Coastal Conservation League.
                                              Escalante, two     State  officials  cited  a  packaging  company,  Frontier
          commissioners with the California Coastal Commission,   Logistics, for spilling the plastic “nurdles” in the water,
          and Recology’s president and CEO Mike Sangiacomo filed   the groups say, but that was not enough to make them
          the  initiative  with  the  state  attorney  general’s  office.   stop. Lawyers with the Southern Environmental Law
          Money from the fee would go toward environmental       Center said in a letter to Frontier Logistics, the state
          restoration and  improving recycling infrastructure. Eric   Department of Health and Environmental Control and the
          Potashner, vice president of strategic affairs at Recology,   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that they plan to
          said the company needs at least one optical scanner    sue under the Clean Water Act. “We have evidence that
          and machine learning technology so its machines can
          do  a  better  job  of  separating  recycling  from  landfill
          materials. The measure would also ban the distribution of
          Styrofoam by food vendors and require all packaging be
          compostable, reusable or recyclable by 2030. It would also
          give CalRecycle the ability to reduce plastic packaging and
          single-use plastic products through regulations. CalRecycle
          administers and oversees California’s state-managed
          recycling  programs  and  non-hazardous  waste  handling.
          The survey also found that 51 percent strongly favor the
          initiative while 20 percent somewhat favor it. Twenty-four
          percent oppose the measure The margin of error for the   leads us to believe Frontier’s plastic pellets continue to
          survey is plus or minus 3.5 percent. Researchers used a   spill into our harbor,” Charleston Waterkeeper Andrew
          95 percent confidence interval. The survey was conducted   Wunderley said. “We find pellets everywhere we look,
          between June 6 and June 13, 2019.Voters were asked,    from  Capers  Island  to  Waterfront  Park  downtown,”
          “Do you favor or oppose a proposal to reduce the use of   he  said  in  a  press  release.  “Frontier  must  be  held
          packaging that cannot be recycled and generate funding   accountable for polluting our harbor, beaches, and
          for maintaining and expanding recycling, composting and   waterways with its plastic pellets, especially when
          beach  clean-ups  by  charging  manufacturers  1  cent  for   we have no state or local safeguards protecting our
          every item they sell in California with disposable packaging   waterways from plastic pellet pollution.”
          that cannot be recycled?”

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