Page 18 - Plastics News November 2021
P. 18
Braskem Completes First Year Of Commercial ALPLA's New
Operation (PP) In Texas Facility In Missouri
lastic manufacturer ALPLA
PNorth America has chosen
Kansas City in Missouri to construct
its new injection moulding facility.
The new 246,000ft² plant is the
company’s first facility dedicated to
injection moulding and its fourth site
in the state. The new Kansas City
site will manufacture products such
as closures. ALPLA North America
managing director James Rooney
said: “We are excited about our new
Kansas City site which represents a
key element of our growth strategy
and our continued commitment to the
raskem, has successfully completed to meet the current and future needs of expansion of our injection moulding
Bone year of commercial production our clients. The enhanced production capabilities.” Expected to commence
at its newest, world-class 450 000 tpy capabilities from this new facility proved operations in the fourth quarter of
polypropylene production line in La critically important as supply in the next year, the facility is strategically
Porte, Texas, US. Grace provided North American polypropylene industry located to better serve customers in
state-of-the-art PP design technology faced many challenges during the past the Midwest and fulfil the demand
and innovations to meet Braskem’s year.”“As the leader in polypropylene
need to manufacture a wide breadth process technology, the Grace team
of polypropylene products for its proved again that our commitment to
customers. The La Porte commercial our customers’ success is the key to our
production line has the capability to success,” said Grace’s Laura Schwinn,
produce a full range of homopolymer, President, Specialty Catalysts. “We will
random copolymer, and impact continue to deliver value to Braskem
copolymer products. In accordance with the support needed to run the
with Grace and Braskem's shared largest polypropylene production line
commitment to sustainability, the plant in the Americas.”Chris Bland, Vice
was also designed with a focus on key President Manufacturing, Braskem
ecological markers such as air emissions, America, also added: "Grace provided us
water usage, energy efficiency, and waste with unparalleled experience and on-site for its products. It will also expand
reduction. Mark Nikolich, Braskem support during the COVID-19 pandemic ALPLA’s scope of innovation and
America CEO, commented: "Braskem's to make sure that the La Porte facility was its presence in the US state. ALPLA
first full year of commercial operations commissioned to produce all required received support from commercial
at our newest world class polypropylene products on a tight timeline."Grace real estate service firm Cushman
line in La Porte, Texas, exceeded provided pre-commissioning and start- & Wakefield and Kansas City Area
our expectations for quality and up support to ensure the safe and Development Council for the project.
performance at a time in the industry efficient commissioning of the first The project will generate 75 new jobs
when our clients needed us most. Our reactor. Subsequently, Braskem was in the region. Missouri Governor Mike
decision to invest in North America's able to go straight into commercial Parson said: “ALPLA’s decision to
largest polypropylene production production with the first reactor and grow in Missouri demonstrates our
facility reflects our commitment to our received continued support to ensure state’s ability to support companies
leadership position in the US market and smooth start-up of the second reactor with our highly skilled workforce.
more importantly, enhancing our ability for impact copolymer production.