Page 48 - Plastics News November 2021
P. 48
Dow Introduces DOWSIL The World’s First DS Smith Develops
Commercially Available Carbon-Neutral 'Effortless' Reusable
Silicones In Building Façades Tray Packaging
ow is to launch its DOWSIL™ elements and glass insulation, helping K-based sustainable packaging
DCarbon-Neutrality Program to to significantly improve the energy Ucompany DS Smith has introduced
offer silicones for structural glazing, efficiency of buildings. In addition, their a tray packaging solution that can be
insulating glass,and weather sealing. proven durability allows the insulated erected quickly and reused after use.
building envelope to last Developed by a team in Germany, the
more than 50 years. The tray is made entirely of corrugated
energy or carbon ratio cardboard and has two lateral automatic
for silicone sealants bases. It can be ‘effortlessly’ erected
conserves up to 20 times on site when required for transport,
more energy than what storage or product presentation and
is needed to produce can be folded up and stored when
them for insulated glass, not in use. The reusable tray is fully
according to the Global recyclable and designed to be used
Silicones Council. in a wide range of sectors. DS Smith
Carbon-neutral silicones said that the tray does not lose its
can reduce to net zero performance or functionality when
the carbon needed to folded up again.The material-optimised
Its PAS 2060-verified carbon-neutral produce the silicone polymers that are tray is provided to customers in a flat
silicones shall thus help decrease the the building blocks of our products. and pre-glued format to save time spent
environmental impact of buildings. Carbon-neutral silicones for specific on logistics. Its corners are reinforced
This ground-breaking innovation will building projects is a revolutionary to offer high load-bearing capacity.
allow builders to design with more offering, especially for technologies The packaging also features integrated
freedom by engineering less impact. “The linked to the silicon metal manufacturing stacking lugs that allow several trays
commercial introduction of our carbon- process, where Dow is uniquely to be stacked safely while avoiding
neutrality program for DOWSIL™ positioned. Each product will have slipping. DS Smith said that it had
Silicones for building facades represents an Environmental Product Declaration adopted a systematic approach at all
a true evolution in silicone carbon- (EPD) that communicates transparent stages of the development timeline,
neutrality,” said Markus Plettau, Dow’s and comparable information about the with the aim of offering ‘real added
global segment leader for building life-cycle environmental impact of our
facades. “Aligned with the industry products. In addition to carbon neutral
efforts towards developing net-carbon- silicones, Dow continues to develop
zero buildings to reduce CO2 emissions, innovative and sustainable solutions for
Dow is leading the way in decreasing the the building and infrastructure markets.
embodied carbon present in construction Backed with PAS 2060 verification
materials.” According to the World which is, internationally recognized for
Green Building Council, the building organizational carbon-neutrality, Dow’s
sector is responsible for approximately carbon-neutral silicones will be able to
39 percent of global CO2 emissions. contribute to additional international
This includes both embodied carbon green building certification points. value’. The company also takes its
and building operations. While the DOWSIL ™ represents the combined entire supply chain into account when
production of Dow’s silicon products power of Dow Chemical Company working on both product display and
requires energy, the use of these and Dow Corning and emphasizes packaging. Last month, DS Smith
products requires very low energy in their worldwide experience in silicone unveiled its first hybrid Customer
applications such as prefabricated façade technologies in dozens of industries. Innovation Hub in Lisbon, Portugal.