Page 63 - Plastic News November 2023
P. 63

Top packaging industry themes in 2024
                                             issues, such as smarter materials and  The future of work in 2024
                                             recycling  infrastructure  and process-  Packaging companies are increasingly
                                             es.                                 automating their operations to max-
                                             The  cost,  safety, ethical  and sustain-  imise output, and this should continue
                                             ability  reservations  that some in the  to be a priority in 2024.
                                             industry have about AI will need to   Given  the  sector’s  reliance  on busi-
                                             be confronted on a case-by-case basis   ness  with  other  consumer  sectors,
                                             to weigh up the benefits against the   improving  digital  connectivity  inter-
                                             risks for now, until the technology be-  nally and externally will greatly im-
              lobalData’s thematic intelligence  comes more advanced in the follow-  prove economies of scale.
          Ghas  identified  the  top  themes  ing decades.
          packaging  industry  leaders must ad-  Cybersecurity in 2024           Technologies such as digital twins and
          dress in 2024.                                                         AI will also help workers to more eas-
                                             The increased digitalisation and auto-  ily  find  innovative  solutions  to  pack
          As 2024 looms ever closer, the seis-  mation of manufacturing will continue  design and material challenges.
          mic changes in the packaging industry   to have knock-on effects on the pack-
          in recent years are rearing their heads.  aging industry in 2024.
          Supply chains have been hit hard by   Often a crucial last step in the produc-  FLAME RETARDANT
          successive global conflicts, increasing   tion process, any delays to filling and   MASTERBATCH
          environmental disasters have amped   packing arising from cyberattacks will
          up pressure  on companies to reach   have a knock-on effect for consumer
          sustainability targets, and rapidly de-  goods partner  companies  as well  as
          veloping technologies have left regu-  for packaging businesses themselves.
          latory bodies and industry  leaders
          scrambling.                        The importance of industrial cyber-
                                             security  in packaging is unique, as it
          Given  these  issues,  it  would  be  un-  catalogues industrial assets such as
          derstandable if some industry profes-  digitally-connected machinery and
          sionals want to leave 2023 behind and   protects them from threat actors.
          welcome in the New Year.
                                             E-commerce in 2024                    KANDUI FIREFIGHTER®  is a
          To ensure that 2024 is a smoother                                        revolutionary  halogenated  fire
          ride,  GlobalData’s  thematic intelli-  As the e-commerce  trend grows in   retardant  masterbatch  is a very
          gence has identified the top themes in   2024,  packaging companies will see   effective solution for flame proof-
          the global packaging industry.     increased demand for more person-     ing PP (homo polymer and co-
                                             alised  pack designs.  These  bespoke
          Artificial intelligence in 2024    offerings are especially  popular in   polymer) which gives V0 rating in
          By 2024 artificial intelligence (AI) will  subscription models and can enhance   polypropylene at dosages as low
          already  be  a well-integrated  feature  brand identity and consumer engage-  as 10%.
          of packaging businesses, but there are  ment.                            This Masterbatch with REACH
          still plenty of unexplored use cases to   Circular economy initiatives have been   & ROHS compliances allow
          present potential advantages.      difficult to implement in e-commerce   usage in very critical applications
          In packaging, AI will primarily serve to  as consumers lack the  resources  to   due to very low halogen levels.
          improve production, distribution and  recycle or return packaging. Digitally   This flame retardant masterbatch
          logistics processes, saving companies  convenient features and deposit facili-  can be used in Non-Woven, Fiber,
          significant time and money. The tech-  ties are likely to become more com-  Sheet, Raffia, Moulding, Mono fila-
          nology is also increasingly being used  monplace in 2024 to overcome these   ment & Extrusion.
          in problem-solving  circular economy  challenges.

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