Page 20 - Plastics News Issue November - 2024
P. 20
Vivek Sharma
TechMagnus Automation and Robotics
2) What are your future plans for the expan-
Our vision is to make manufacturing accessible
to all, from initial product idea to a market-ready
product. We're developing a system that serves
as a platform for people to learn and start manu-
facturing—from product idea, CAD design, simu-
lation, and 3D printing to mold design and cre-
ating a marketable product. Our aim is to be a
comprehensive solutions provider, covering all
1) Your new innovation and future sight for aspects from CAD/CAM/CAE to CNC machin-
growth of plastic industry. ing and injection molding. We aspire to be the
catalysts for the engineering and manufacturing
We've pioneered a groundbreaking desktop mi- community, offering economical and feasible so-
cro injection moulding machine, a first in India, lutions.
revolutionizing the production of essential micro 3) Any new products you intend to introduce?
parts for diverse sectors like medical, electron-
ics, and automobile industries. Our machine's We are excited to introduce a desktop-sized
ability to produce 3-5g shots while consuming CNC milling machine tailored for mold design.
only 500W per hour makes it a game-changer. This innovation will enable users to efficiently
Not only does it significantly reduce mold design and economically create quality mini molds for
and production costs, but it also democratizes our micro injection molding machine, reducing
the manufacturing of small components, making the turnaround time and further facilitating the
them cost-effective even in limited quantities. manufacturing process.
Priced around 2 lakhs INR, this machine is a bea- 4) Your view on how AIPMA is helping plastic
con for manufacturing enthusiasts, tinkering industry with its services?
minds in labs, and 3D print workshops. We've AIPMA's support has been pivotal for start-ups
made it possible for non-traditional molds, like like ours, fostering growth and innovation with-
those from resin or high-temperature plastics, to in the plastic industry. AIPMA's networking op-
be 3D printed and then used for injection mold- portunities, especially at events like Plastivision,
ing. It's an ideal solution for budding entrepre- have been invaluable for showcasing our innova-
neurs, engineering companies, and research tions and connecting with potential clients and
labs, allowing them to economically design and collaborators. Their focus on training and educa-
produce profitable parts. Our fully electric ma- tion ensures we stay abreast of the latest tech-
chine, which can run on a standard 220V 500W nologies and best practices, which is vital for our
home supply and weighs less than 60 kg, trans- competitiveness. AIPMA’s commitment to sus-
forms any space into a micro-manufacturing tainability aligns with our vision of eco-friendly
hub. We envision this machine igniting a passion manufacturing. Their support to SMEs, providing
for manufacturing in young minds, propelling In- resources, guidance, and market exposure, has
dia towards becoming a leading manufacturing been instrumental in our business's growth and
nation. establishment.
20 PLASTICS NEWS November 2024