Page 19 - Plastics News October 2016
P. 19
Company News
Honeywell UOP introduces IIoT offering to improve plant
performance intuitive context and actionable understanding of a
plant's performance. The same dashboards are reported
Honeywell UOP has introduced a new software-based simultaneously to a dedicated Honeywell UOP process
service designed to allow refiners and petrochemical advisor who also monitors performance and can provide
and gas processing plants to improve performance. additional direction and resources. In addition to
identifying underperforming assets and anticipating
Honeywell UOP's new Connected Performance Services equipment failures and process issues, Honeywell
(CPS) business leverages the Industrial Internet of Things to can monitor and help manage energy use to support
tap Honeywell's deep process knowledge, design expertise, compliance with stricter regulatory standards, and also
and understanding of catalysis with next-generation can bridge knowledge gaps among personnel who may not
software platforms from Honeywell Process Solutions, the be fully experienced with their equipment. Roughly half
of the industry's most highly-tenured staff are expected
leading provider to retire in the next seven years.
of software-
based solutions GAIL doubles capacity of UP
for the process petrochemical complex
industries. "This
service makes
plants smarter
and more responsive," said Zak Alzein, vice president
for CPS. "Problems that caused plants to be less efficient
or less productive and that went undetected for weeks
or months now can be resolved quickly and proactively,
and decisions that used to take days now can be made in
hours. For many plants, the avoidance of downtime and
suboptimal performance, and better agility, can be worth
millions of dollars per year."
The CPS offerings include applications to address critical GAIL has "successfully started its first UNIPOL PE
challenges for refineries and petrochemical and gas Process line with the capacity to produce 400,000
processing plants, including better asset utilization, tons of polyethylene (PE) per year. State-owned gas
unplanned downtime, energy efficiency, and gaps in utility GAIL India Ltd today said in a release that
expertise as plants becomes more sophisticated and it has begun production from a new 400,000 tons
experienced engineers retire. The CPS offerings are part polyethylene plant. According to the company this will
of the larger IIoT ecosystem being built by Honeywell help further double capacity of its Pata petrochemical
to allow end users to harness IIoT technology to tap complex in Uttar Pradesh. GAIL has "successfully
the deep expertise of Honeywell UOP and other leading started its first UNIPOL PE Process line with the
suppliers and partners. At the heart of the CPS offering is capacity to produce 400,000 tons of polyethylene
a cloud-based software service that continuously monitors (PE) per year.
streaming plant data and applies advanced analytics and
machine learning, leveraging UOP process models and best The total production capacity of GAIL's petrochemical
practices to find latent or emerging underperformance, plant at Pata, UP is now 8,10,000 tons per annum. and
alert plant personnel and make specific operational is likely to boost the capacity.
recommendations. The system runs continuously with
user-friendly digital dashboards that provide highly
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