Page 34 - Plastics News October 2016
P. 34
How Much Can We Recycle?
Changes in the waste stream have a major impact on our ability to meet recycling goals.
Chaz Miller
The Olympics recently finished in Rio. It was a showcase percent of the waste stream. Printed paper is less than 10
of some of the top feats in athletics. And achieving percent, and all the other paper products are less than 5
those feats takes a lot of preparation. percent. Even if we could collect and recycle every single
package and paper product, we would only be recycling a
When athletes are training, their coaches set goals to little more than 40 percent of the waste we make.
measure their progress. These goals challenge the athletes
and spur them on to see how much they can achieve. What else is left? Aside from food and yard waste, which
Setting those goals is important. They need to be based on are a bit less than 30 percent of the waste stream, the
the athlete’s ability and the performance that is needed other 40 percent of our trash is “durable” and “non-
to win a gold medal. durable” products. Durable products are defined by the
Environmental Protection Agency as those with a lifetime
Athletes with the right mix of skills and training discipline of three years or more, and non-durables are used up more
are more likely to succeed if their goals are well defined quickly. Products such as appliances and furniture are
and achievable. Goals that set too low of a bar will not durables, while printed paper, plastic and paper utensils
lead to a gold medal performance, and goals that are set and clothing are non-durables. Our ability to recycle this
unrealistically high lead to failure or cheating. vast array of products varies widely, yet when it comes to
recycling goals, those differences don’t matter.
Recycling is no different.
Goals give recycling Moreover, we’ve seen tremendous changes in the waste
programs targets stream over the last 15 years. These changes—less paper,
to attain, and they lighter weight packaging, etc.—have a major impact on
measure progress and our ability to meet recycling goals, yet most politicians are
define high-performing blissfully unaware of their impact when they set those goals.
programs. Athletes have
a major advantage over recycling programs when it comes Where these recyclables are generated is another blissfully
to goals because theirs are set by experienced coaches. ignored factor. We have succeeded in creating a social
Recycling goals are set by politicians based on what is norm for recycling in “detached” single family housing.
politically palatable. We do less well in rural and more urban settings, and we
have failed to establish a social norm for recycling in multi-
As a result, recycling goals vary widely among the 50 family housing. About 17 percent of the population lives
states. They range from a low of 10 percent to a high of in the latter. And don’t forget that a considerable chunk
75 percent. These goals have two things in common: All of our recyclables is generated at businesses.
of them can be divided by five and none of them were set
with any thought as to what is realistically achievable. I’m not saying we should do without recycling goals
because I understand their value. But I am saying we need
Clearly, states that set low recycling goals are more a far more sensible approach to those goals and to how
likely to have low performing programs. However, while we measure progress in achieving them.
aggressive goals can lead to high performing programs,
they can also lead to aggressive reporting by local Let’s be like those Olympic athletes—or at least the ones
governments desperate to show to their citizens that they that don’t cheat—and strive to be faster, higher and
are meeting the challenge. stronger. But let’s also be like them and have smart goals.
And if you want to know what I think they are, tune in
When politicians set aggressive recycling goals, they forget next month.
about the complexity of the waste stream and of waste
generators. I suspect most of them are thinking primarily Chaz Miller is the Director of Policy and Advocacy at the National
of packaging and paper and don’t give much thought to the
rest of the waste stream, yet packaging is only about 30 Waste & Recycling Association headquartered in Washington, D.C.
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