Page 44 - Plastics News October 2016
P. 44
Public-private groups win funds to clean up NY, NJ waterways
Seven community projects have been awarded a total cleanups, launch and run rewards systems with local
of $365,000 in federal grants to keep plastic out of businesses and develop creative social media and video
waterways in New York and New Jersey. The public-private messaging about curbing trash.
partnerships, under the banner of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’s Trash Free Waters initiative, are a Reducing the amount of single-use plastics — bags, bottles,
collection of diverse groups approached to combat plastic cups, lids, straws and plates — in the waste stream from
marine debris.Awarded through a competitive grant hotels, restaurants and campgrounds along Long Island’s
process run by New England Interstate Water Pollution North Fork is the focus of The Product Stewardship
Institute’s $56,425 grant project.
Control Commission (NEIWPCC), all the projects are The Bronx River Alliance will use its
aimed at keeping plastics out of local lakes, rivers and $52,866 grant to fund “Project WASTE”
oceans and supporting the Trash Free Waters initiative's (Waterway and Street Trash Elimination),
goal of reducing the volume of plastic trash entering which partners with New York City’s Parks’
fresh and marine water environments, approaching zero- Natural Resource Group and the New York
loading into U.S. waters within 10 years. Botanical Gardens to conduct floating
trash assessments at collection booms and
The Hudson River Foundation/NY-NJ Harbor and Estuary analyze the data from up-, mid- and down-
Program, in cooperation with Montclair State University’s stream locations to determine sources
Passaic River Institute will receive $67,693 to collect data and suggest targeted mitigation programs.
on how litter enters local waterways, devise strategies to Once the programs are in place, continued
reduce it and develop a community outreach program, all monitoring and analysis will help track their
focused on “floatable” trash, particularly plastics. effectiveness.EPA’s $48,125 grant will fund
the North Hudson Sewerage Authority’s
Cafeteria Culture, a project of the Fund for the City “Preventing Aquatic Trash” program, which
of New York, will use its $60,111 grant to help fund its will retrofit 250 faceplate covers on catch
Community Arts+Media school-community partnership basins in high-volume traffic areas in Union
project. Students at participating schools work with City and West New York, N.J. to capture trash before it
intergenerational teams to conduct trash studies and enters waterways.
The $47,250 grant to the Clean Water Fund’s “ReThink
Disposable in Jersey” program will help the non-profit
work with the local food industry to cut down the use of
packaging in take-out food, including providing education
and training on preventing marine debris to restaurants,
food trucks and other food establishments along the
boardwalk and in the downtown areas of Asbury Park,
N.J..Single-use plastics bags will be the target of the
NYC Department of Environmental Protection’s $32,500
The “Trash Free NYC Waters: Bag Challenge” will use a
combination of public outreach, market research and
messaging to educate the supermarket industry and the
communities they serve on how plastic bags impact local
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