Page 14 - Plastics News October 2018
P. 14
AipmA At work
Meeting with Ms. Aparna Sharma – Joint Secretary, DCPC on 5th
October, 2018 at AIPMA House, Mumbai
r. Hiten Bheda , Immediate Past President & Chairman, Dr. S. K Nayak added that single use plastics should be
MEnvironment Committee AIPMA called the meeting to defined properly otherwise the problem will continue.
order and thanked Madam Aparna Sharma Joint Secretary, Mr. Bheda further explained about ‘What will be in’ which
DCPC, Ministry of Chemical and Fertilizers, Govt of India, includes high productive machines, New processes like
for consenting to preside over this meeting. He also thin wall molding, process shift Roto to Blow, Extrusion
thanked Dr. S. K. Nayak – DG CIPET and all the stakeholders /Thermo forming to thin wall molding. Further he also
for their presence. explained the technology prospects for future which
Mr. Bheda gave a brief introduction of Madam Aparna includes Specialty additives, compounding, composites,
Sharma and requested Mr. Meela Jayadev, President AIPMA bio polymers, biodegradable/compostable, nano
felicitate her with auspicious bamboo plant endorsing technology. Further he explained that since the single used
green environment as a token of expressing gesture of plastic is banned thus biopolymers and biodegradables
thanks. will have a huge demand which will require special kind
of machines & parameters, and we need to rise to those
Mr. Bheda started the power point presentation with
enlightening the changing skill set for plastic processing challenges.
Industry and further explained that major shift is going Mr. Bheda explained the new growth drivers – sub sectors
to occur in sustainable products for which we require which includes agriculture & allied industries; will
innovative designs. He added that we have already require a substantial consumption of polymers, wellness
initiated the standardization for several products. If and health care, aviation /transportation, innovative
these standards are put in force manufacturers would packaging, infrastructure, digital equipment's/ consumer
require in-house facility. Standardization will create job durables, sports & lifestyle products, and recycling. He
opportunities for skilled people. emphasized on recycling sector since it is an important
He also discussed about the 3D printing & its inputs growth driver. Currently there is a technological gap which
and value added products through CNC machining, dyes eventually will close, and all this will require different
and moulds, where 90% of manufacturers are employed skill sets. He also explained about new growth drivers –
because of CNC machines in routine. While in computer catalyst consisting of demography, urbanization & smart
simulation of processing requires skilled people. cities, aspirations of populations, GDP, per capita income
crossing USD 2000 mark. Further he explained that as per
the per capita income process in 2001, it has been said
in open forum that when countries crosses such kind of
mass per capita, there is always an exponential growth
in consumption & automatically plastic will be a part of
its consumption.
Dr.Nayak suggested that we should start using the term
‘Polymer’ instead of ‘Plastic’.
Mr. Bheda elucidated how the projections were considered.
It was accounted by taking the installed capacity &
production subtracted exports & added imports that gave
the consumption. He further clarified that 2016-2017,
2017-2018 data is based on actual figure while for 2018-
He emphasized on ‘What may reduce’ such as single 2019 onwards projections are made. And growth rates are
use plastic, which is undefined, non-essential packing/ assumed from 2020 onwards.
consumer products and low productivity machines While For 2016-2017, its 14 billion, which is rising up to
requiring large human resources/ energy / footprint, all 35-36 billion till 2027-2028. All projections are based upon
this will get replaced. assumptions. He advised that it require fine tuning.
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