Page 45 - Plastics News October 2018
P. 45


          the intended structure were quite different, and when the   it under controlled conditions in the DSC until it melts.
          polymer was exposed to a temperature that re-established   The melting event will be observable as a peak that is
          the mobility needed to form new crystals, it did what it   associated with a property known as the latent heat of
          was intended to do.                                   fusion. This is a measure of the degree of crystallinity.
                                                                The greater the heat of fusion, the more crystal structure
          If the dimensional changes associated with this additional
          crystallization  occur  once  the  part  is  in  the  field,  the   is present in the molded part.
          results can be unpleasant, to say the least. Cracks can   The melted sample is then cooled back to the solid
          occur  at  attachment  points;  parts  that  are  designed   state, producing a peak that is a mirror image of the
          to move relative to one another can bind; components   melting event. This is the heat released by the process
          designed  to  act  as  sealing  surfaces  can  allow  fluids  to   of crystallization. This heating and cooling process erases
          leak from a valve or a housing. In this case, the warpage   the thermal imprint of the molding process. When we heat
          was an indicator that there was a problem that needed   the sample a second time, we should see a new heat of
          to be addressed, not covered up by making an ill-advised   fusion that will be higher than the one we saw on first
          process adjustment.                                   heat. This is because the cooling rate in the DSC is much
                                                                slower than that which the material experienced during
          It is important to understand that the cooling rates
          associated with injection molding will never allow attaining   the molding process. Figures 1 and 2 show the results for
          the maximum achievable level of crystallinity. Consider a   this type of DSC test performed on a PP part.
          nylon 66 heated to a melt temperature of 550 F (288 C)   The heat of fusion on first heat is 89.72 J/g, while the
          entering a mold cavity set at 210 (99 C), a temperature   second heat of fusion is 99.43 J/g. When we divide the
          above the Tg of the nylon that will produce a relatively   value from first heat by the value from second heat we get
                                              high degree of    90.2%. That is considered to be the degree of crystallinity
                                              crystallinity. If   that we achieved relative to what was theoretically
                                              the part cools    possible if we could somehow cool the polymer very
                                              to an ejectable   slowly in the mold and convince our customer that it was
                                              temperature       acceptable to produce 15 parts/hr. This is the point. In
                                              in 30 sec, then   the real world of manufacturing there is a compromise
                                              the co o ling     between achieving the perfect structure in a material and
                                              rate for the      making a part at a price that is competitive. A value of
                                              material is 680°   90% is considered to be a good outcome in most cases. It
                                              F (378° C)/min!   is important to understand that this result does not mean
                                              When  we  test    that the polypropylene in the molded part is 90% crystals.
                                              materials under   The value is a percentage of what was attainable.
                                              l abo r ato r y   The absolute degree of crystallinity in this part is
                                              conditions,  we   actually a little less than 50%, which is quite normal in
          traditionally use heating rates of 10° or 20° C/minute.   polypropylene. Because PP is one of those materials that
          Therefore, we can achieve a level of perfection in the   does not crystallize to a significantly greater degree as
          lab that cannot be attained at the press, even when   mold temperature is increased, there is little danger in
          we do things as well as possible. We also know that the   running a mold temperature that is relatively low. In this
          cooling rate at the part surface is faster than in the   case the mold temperature was 100 F (38 C). But as we will
          middle of the wall, unless the nominal wall is very thin.   see in subsequent articles, sometimes cooling down the
          But for processors, the objective is to balance production   mold causes us to miss the target by a much larger amount.
          efficiency with achieving a condition in the polymer that   This usually occurs in the high-performance materials.
          ensures good, but not perfect, stability.
                                                                ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mike Sepe is an independent, global
          We  can  perform  a  test  called  differential  scanning   materials and processing consultant
          calorimetry (DSC) to check our work.  This involves
          preparing  a  sample  from the  molded  part  and  heating                         Courtesy: Plastics Technology

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