Page 72 - Plastics News October 2018
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Single use plastics likely to be Maharashtra state government
banned in Puducherry rules out extension;plans to ban
plastic packaging even to cancel
he Puducherry Pollution Control Committee, an
Tautonomous body, has recommended a ban on the license
plastic carry bags, plates, disposable cups, sheets,
straw, expanded polystyrene foam (popularly known as he Maharashtra state government has ruled out
thermocol) and water pouches. The growing presence Tany extension for finding alternatives to plastic
of such items in solid waste is posing a problem to Environment minister Ramdas Kadam has said the
civic bodies, says PPCC. The committee will place the three-month deadline given to e-commerce platforms
proposal before the Cabinet seeking its approval to issue to find eco-friendly packaging, and to Tetra Pak
a notification banning all types of single use plastic items. manufacturers to set up recycling plants, will not
The ban had become necessary as single use plastic
be extended, and action against those who have not
made the switch will start from October 1. Kadam
had held a review meeting regarding the plastic
ban. The state government, which banned nearly all
one-time use plastic cutlery and thermocol, had told
makers of Tetra Pak and multi-layered packaging for
items such as branded chips and snacks, to set up
recycling facilities before September 30. Three months
after the Maharashtra government banned plastic,
the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has
collected over Rs 1.1 crore in fine and confiscated
18,601 kg plastic. Environment authorities in the state
material were considered the main cause for choking are contemplating a ban on products wrapped in plastic
stormwater drains leading to floods during monsoon. It material in the wake of industries failing to evolve a
blocks sewage system causing overflowing of sewage. buyback chain for the recollection, recycling and reuse
Such items had become an impediment in the proper of the used plastic wrappers. “There seems no other
management of solid waste, said a PPCC official. The rise alternative now but to ban products that are being
in the number of outlets dependent on using expanded
polystyrene foam and plastic sheets to pack food items
had become a major concern for municipal authorities.
Officials said it would be a challenge to impose a blanket
ban on all types of plastic items. There are several
industrial units here involved in the manufacture of the
listed plastic products, said another official.The Union
Territory had imposed a ban on manufacture and sale
of plastics with less than 50 microns thickness much
ahead of the notification issued by the Union Ministry
of Environment and Climate Change, the official said. sold by wrapping them in banned plastic material,”
However, these plastic items were brought to Puducherry said Anil Diggikar, Principal Secretary, Environment
from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa, and Daman and Diu. “One department.The Maharashtra government wants to
of the difficulties faced in enforcing the ban is separation make the plastic ban in the state more stringent by
of those with less than 50 microns thickness,” said cancelling shop licences if such material is found.
another official. A case has been registered before the State Environment Minister Ramdas Kadam said that a
chief judicial magistrate against seven firms for stocking primary level meeting had already been held to decide
plastic items of less than 50 microns. Six of them have on how to go about implementing this new proposal.
been asked to pay a fine of Rs 16,000.
Plastics N
Plastics News October 2018ews October 2018 72