Page 13 - Plastics News October 2020
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Webinar on 'Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) – Legal Obligations, Current Scenario and
                                 Way Forward' organized by AIPMA on 15 October 2020
                          Sponsored by   Supporting Associations
                                                                             KEYNOTE SPEAKERS

                                               EPR           Environment Committee  Former Prof., UDCT  Founder & CEO  Sampurn(e)arth Environment
                                                                                                     Co-founder and Director
                                                                                          Sustain Mantra
            Legal Obligations, Current                           AIPMA                                 Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
            Scenario and Way Forward
                 15  Oct. 2020    4:00 - 6:00
                 Thursday         PM  PM                                 AKSHAT LADHA
                                                                         Vice President West  ONLINE FREE
                     Media Partner  L P ASTIWORLD
                                 The Global Plastics Packaging Expo
                                 19 20 21 22 23 2021
                                 JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN
                                 TUE WED THU FRI SAT  VIRTUAL Event
         Sponsored by:                                           Compliance to PWM 2016. He elucidated on historical
         Sampurn(e)arth Environment Solutions Pvt. Ltd.          events, PWM 2016 as part of Solid Waste Management
                                                                 (SWM) Rules, India's stand on Single Use Plastic (SUP) on
         Supporting Associations:
                                                                 World  Environment  day  2018,  notifications  by  various
             Ÿ Maharashtra Plastics Manufacturers Association    state Governments and role of NGT. He addressed the
               (MPMA)                                            problems  faced  by  the  industry  and  provided  his
             Ÿ Vidarbha Plastic Industries Association, Nagpur   viewpoints. He emphasized on Uniform framework on
                                                                 EPR and the recommendations given by AIPMA to the
             Ÿ Jalgaon Plastic Reprocessors Association
             Ÿ Indian Plastipack Forum, Indore
                                                                 Dr. D.D.Kale, Consultant, Former Professor, University
         The  webinar  began  with  a  Welcome  address  by  Mr.   Department of Chemical Technology (UDCT) gave an
         Chandrakant  Turakhia  –  President,  AIPMA.  He        illuminating presentation on 'Present status of Extended
         addressed the growing problem of waste and a need to    Producers  Responsibility  (EPR)'.  He  gave  a  brief
         deeply understand 'Extended Producers Responsibility' –   introduction on EPR and PWM Rules,elucidated on some
         Legal obligations and current scenario; he appreciated   important definitions related to EPR. He delineated on
         the government efforts of providing Uniform Framework    Global scenario on EPR, EPR in India focussing on three
         on  EPR.  He  added  that  the  webinar  will  provide  an   models: Fee based model, PRO based model and Plastic
         insights  and  significant  knowledge  on  the  subject.   Credit Model, Plastic credit model. Further, he provided
         Further,  he  welcomed  the  eminent  and  experienced   his valued comments and way forward and emphasized
         speakers  and  all  the  associations  and  organization   that, 'a concentrated effort has to be put in involving
         heads.                                                  major  stake  holders  to  define  a  model  and  start
         Mr.  Arvind  Mehta,  Chairman  –  Governing  Council,   implementing,  loopholes  may  be  discovered  and
         AIPMA gave an Introductory Remarks in which he gave a   improvements  can  always  be  incorporated  but
         brief  about  Extended  Producers  Responsibility  and   beginning has to be made as early as possible'.
         Plastic waste Management (PWM) Rules. He added that     Mr.  Debartha  Banerjee,  Co-founder  and  Director,
         during the session the experts will provide deep insights,   Sampurn(e)arth Environment Solutions Pvt. Ltd. gave
         significant knowledge and guidance to the industry on    a brief introduction of his company and highlighted the
         EPR and its legal obligation. He welcomed the entire    achievements,  explained  the  project  model  and  EPR
         panellist  and  thanked  everyone  for  sparing  their   strategy briefly which makes EPR easier for the clients.
         precious time for the valuable session.                 He also presented his views and comments on current
         Moderator - Mr. Akshat Ladha – Vice president, West,    scenario and EPR obligations.
         AIPMA introduced all the speakers.                      Mr.  Ravi  Jasnani,  President,  Maharashtra  Plastics
         Mr. Hiten Bheda, Chairman, Environment Committee,       Manufacturers Association
         AIPMA  gave  an  overview  of  EPR  and  PWM,  discussed   Mr.  Jasnani  began  by  sharing  his  association  member
         about  the  current  scenario  and  emphasized  on      experiences that they have been facing in regards to

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