Page 21 - Plastics News October 2021
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A. Based on our half  year financial   Q. Can we talk about the        A. The Indian medical plastic
            result  2021 published  (source:     investment that you plan?         manufacturing market is working on
            Polycarbonates - Covestro Half-  A.  We’re  also  investing  in  renewable   fulfilling the challenges of the medical
            Year Financial Report 2021), the    energy to gradually reduce our     device regulations that are designed to
            Polycarbonates segment saw global   reliance on fossil fuels and further   improve patients’ safety. I’m impressed
            core volumes grow by 13.5% over     reduce the carbon footprint of our   by the medical device industrial
            the prior-year period, which was    materials. In 2019, Covestro signed,   zones that have been established
            adversely affected by the coronavirus   what was then, the largest corporate   to facilitate value chain players
            pandemic. Core volumes sold were    supply contract with Ørsted to cover   working together to better serve the
            up, particularly in the automotive   electricity demand in Germany,    healthcare industry. Investment in
            and transportation industry across   partly with offshore wind power.   local healthcare infrastructure, like
            all  regions  and  in  the  electrical,   This was followed by the sourcing   hospital bed capacity and diagnostic
            electronics and household appliance   of renewable electricity for our site   centers, are increasing the demand
            industry in the APAC region.        in Antwerp, Belgium for up to 45%   for medical devices & laboratories
          Q. What are the plans                 of our consumption. Most recently,   equipment. Covestro is here in India
              for the year, are                 Covestro’s Shanghai site signed a   to help our customers meet this
              you wor king  on                  contract to purchase 100 gigawatt-  important challenge for the domestic
              capacity building/                hours per year of solar power from   market.
              sustainability?                   North-West China’s Ningxia region.     In addition, India’s exports in the
                                                                                   medical devices sector have grown
          A. In addition to world class facilities   This is equivalent to about 10 % of   strongly in the last five years and are
                                                the site’s annual electricity demand.
            across the world, Covestro is invested                                 expected to hit USD 2.5 billion in
            in India with three sites/outfits   Q. How does the concern            2021. The Confederation of Indian
            spread across the country to cater to   on plastic waste affect        Industry (CII) expects the MedTech
            domestic markets.                    the R&D trend of  the             sector to grow from USD 11 billion
            An example will be the Greater Noida   applications in medical         in 2020 to USD 50 billion by 2025, an
            production site, which serves medical   / surgical domain?             impressive CAGR of 35.4% over the
            customers with local production and   A.  As a part of the Healthcare Ecosystem,   next five years. This is the reason why
            value added colour and design service, as   Device OEMs and material producers   Covestro is so optimistic about our
            well as technical and regulatory support.   share the same goal — aiming to   sales to healthcare customers in India.
            One  of   our  investment  focus  is   reduce waste of any kind including     Using materials from Covestro, India’s
            to expand our sustainable material   plastic. Healthcare Devices serve an   domestic manufacturing industry can
            solutions to customers. To live up to   important purpose, to sustain life for   develop devices to fulfil the increasing
            our vision of becoming fully circular,   people and bring greater wellbeing   market needs by adapting innovative
            we will continue to develop and     to the population. Polycarbonate is a   medical raw material solutions, such
            expand our mechanically recycled    highly durable and versatile material,   as medical low friction polycarbonates
            and renewable attributed product    and may be recycled to be used again   and medical glass filled polycarbonate
            portfolio. For example, we have     whenever the challenge of post-use   which may be used in drug delivery
            established strong partnerships within   contamination can be addressed.   devices, minimally invasive surgical
            the value chain to secure the long-  We’re developing and expanding our   devices or diagnostic tools. Though
            term supply of  alternative mass    portfolio of more sustainable material   open innovation in collaboration with
            balanced raw materials from bio-waste   solutions, including mechanically   Indian OEMs, we strive to become
            and residues to produce renewable   recycled and renewable attributed   customers’ innovation partner, deeply
            attributed polycarbonates. We’re also   polycarbonates, which help us reduce   understanding our customers’ needs
            working to get more production sites   dependency on fossil resources while   and  providing  them  with  a  broad
            certified by ISCC PLUS following    reducing carbon footprint.         portfolio of material solutions. We
            the successful certification of two   Q. What do you think about       provide full-value chain material
            European sites and one in China, so                                    science support, from early concept,
            that we will be able to produce these   the domestic Medical           validation to later moulding and scale-
            certified, more sustainable products   plastics industry?, Any         up, so as to offer a tailored solution
            in other parts of the world.         advice to them ?                  and shorten the go-to-market time.

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