Page 50 - Plastics News October 2021
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          kpNex- Klöckner Pentaplast launches its new  Astells new biomass

          recylable PET blister film                                             packaging for pharma

                                                            functional solution.   apanese pharmaceutical company
                                                            From consumers  JAstellas Pharma has started using
                                                            to global brands to  biomass-based plastics in blister
                                                            governments, the  packages for its pharmaceutical
                                                            demand for recyclable  products. The blister package is made
                                                            packaging has never  from plant-derived materials and
                                                            been higher. kpNext  contains sugarcane, which represents
                                                            answers those calls.  50% of  the raw material used in
                                                            It is produced from  its development. Astellas will begin
                                                            a globally recyclable  using the biomass-based plastic blister
                                                            ma ter ia l a n d is  package for the Irribow Tablet 5µg
                                                            designed to be recycled  in Japan from this year.The product,
              löckner Pentaplast (kp), a  in the RIC (resin identification code) #1  whose  generic  name  is  ramosetron
          Kleading global manufacturer  PET stream.Daniel Stagnaro, Head of  hydrochloride, is indicated for
          of  high barrier protective packaging  Technology said “Current pharmaceutical  diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel
          solutions with industry-leading use  blister packaging is classified as RIC #7,  syndrome. Astellas plans to replace
          of  recycled content material, has  produced from a multi material structure,  the existing petroleum-derived plastic
          launched kpNext, its first-to-market  which is not recyclable and therefore  blister package with the packaging
          innovation in recyclable PET blister  is disposed in a landfill or incinerated.  across more of  its products in the
          films. kpNext is the only PET recyclable  Major pharmaceutical companies have  future.The company also said that it will
          blister that is completely compatible on  been challenging blister manufacturers  continue to explore more sustainable
          pharmaceutical manufacturing form, fill  for a solution that is responsible and  packaging materials. The new packaging
          and seal has a rich history  recyclable. kp has answered those  is claimed to provide the same high
          of   innovative  pharmaceutical  blister  challenges with kpNext.” kpNext is the  tablet protection function and usability
          packaging solutions and kpNext is the  culmination of three years’ worth of  offered by tablet packaging containers.
          next step of that evolution. Not only  research and development. Utilising its  It allows tablets to be seen through the
          is kpNext the only PET film designed  kp, an application development  packaging and separated easily, as well
          to be a recyclable blister package, but  lab located in Charlottesville, VA,  as having environmental benefits. In a
          it  does  not  come  at  the  expense  of  kp scientists, chemists and technical  statement, Astellas said: “By fully using
          the manufacturing process. “For over  teams have worked on developing the
          55 years, kp has been at the forefront  technology to where it is today: A blister
          of  sustainable packaging designs,  film designed to be fully recyclable
          championing the circular economy and  and a plug & play solution on existing
          closed-loop recycling while leading in  pharmaceutical lines.  At launch, Dr.
          innovative, recycled-content products,”  Jorg Schneewind, President of kp’s PHD
          said Scott Tracey, CEO of  Klöckner  Division said: “kpNext is an example of
          Pentaplast. “As a company, we’re  excellence in product innovation because
          committed to taking every opportunity to  it has been designed to be recyclable
          make packaging recyclable. A win-win for  and is a seamless transition, taking the
          our long-term partners.”  Pharmaceutical  burden off our customers to adapt to the  our packaging technology cultivated
          companies and converters can utilise  sustainable film. Instead, the film adapted  over many years, we have actualised the
          kpNext on their existing form, fill and  to the equipment. It’s a true milestone for  production of biomass-based plastic
          seal lines with no loss of  line speed  the industry and for kp - in our ability to  sheets that can be mass-produced while
          or a need to retool. It truly is the  support our customers in meeting their  achieving tablet protection function
          best of both worlds, a sustainable yet  sustainability commitments.”   and usability.”

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