Page 50 - Plastics News October 2023
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          Sabic and Sinopec Start Up Joint Venture PC Plant in China
                                                                                 complement  the  national agendas of
                                                                                 Saudi  Arabia and China,”  said Sabic
                                                                                 CEO Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh. “Build-
                                                                                 ing  on our position  as one  of the
                                                                                 world’s leading polycarbonate manu-
                                                                                 facturers,  our  first-ever  PC  plant  in
                                                                                 Asia  underlines  our commitment  to
                                                                                 operate and manufacture in markets
                                                                                 that are close to our customers to in-
                                                                                 crease service capabilities, agility, and
                                                                                 supply reliability.”
                                                                                 Sabic will mainly deliver polycarbon-
                                                                                 ate from the JV to customers in the
                                                                                 greater China region, targeting elec-
             he new production facility will  Established in 2009, SSTPC is a mega-  tricals & electronics, consumer goods
          Tserve  converters  in the  greater  size petrochemical complex that con-  and appliances, automotive, health-
          China region in the electronics, con-  sists of  nine world-scale production   care, and building and construction
          sumer goods, appliances, automotive,  plants producing polyethylene and   applications. Sabic’s portfolio of PC
          healthcare, and building and construc-  polypropylene, among other chemi-  materials produced at SSTPC will be
          tion sectors.                      cal products. With an annual designed   marketed under its Lexan brand.
                                             capacity of 260,000  tonnes/year, the
          Sabic and Sinopec have reported the                                    Future demand for polycarbonate and
          start  of commercial  operations  of a   new PC plant is a vital component of   other engineering plastics is expected
          new polycarbonate (PC) plant at their   Sabic’s PC growth strategy in China,   to grow in China to support increas-
          50-50 joint venture (JV), Sinopec Sabic   allowing for further collaborations   ing production of electronics, auto-
          Tianjin Petrochemical (SSTPC). Sabic   with global and local customers.  motive, information technology, and
          Chairman Khalid Hashim Al-Dabbagh  “By working in partnership, Sabic and   building materials.
          and Sinopec Chairman Ma Yongsheng  Sinopec are unlocking significant and
          attended the ceremony.             mutual growth opportunities that

         Resin Price Report: Spot Resin Market Explodes at Start of Q4

             usiest  trading  week  of the  year  2023 so far at the PlasticsExchange,  (PP)  picked  up another  penny,  ac-
          Bis impressive  even  by historical  and was even impressive  compared  cording to the PlasticsExchange.
          standards.                         with historic averages.
                                                                                 Some export availability emerged lat-
          The  fourth  quarter  got  off to a rip-  PE, PP resin prices hold on to gains  er in the week, as international buy-
          roaring start in the  spot resin mar-  Export demand remained very     ers took pause while oil corrected
          ket.  Domestic  demand  was  strong   strong and some sizable PE transac-  lower. The overall supply/demand
          and the supply situation improved, as   tions,  including  sales  to  Europe  and   balance is fairly snug for both PE and
          resellers offered some of their fore-  Latin America and smaller PP deals   PP, and producers are looking to lev-
          casted Prime railcars into the  Plas-  to Mexico, were concluded. Prime   erage market momentum in October
          ticsExchange  marketplace  to get  a   resin prices continued to climb, al-  by adding to their successful Septem-
          head start on October sales, reports   though they gave back a little later in   ber increases. PE trading was strong
          the resin clearinghouse in its weekly   the week after the oil market took a   as October ushered in, with buyers
          Market Update. The week of Oct. 2   big hit. Still, polyethylene (PE) held on   aggressively  approaching the market
          ended up being the busiest week of                                     to secure resin for the month ahead
                                             to a half-cent gain and polypropylene

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