Page 39 - Plastics News September 2016
P. 39


Ikea and Neste partner for                                   Sabic and Shenhua Group
production of renewable,                                     to set up coal-to-chemicals
bio-based plastics                                           complex in China

Neste and IKEA have joined forces to take leadership         Saudi Arabian petrochemical major Sabic has signed
     in renewable, bio-based materials, and invite other         an agreement to form a joint venture with China’s
companies to join the initiative. The partnership includes   Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group Co Ltd. (SNCG)
the production of plastics and other materials utilizing     for setting up a green?eld coal-to-chemicals complex
Neste's renewable solutions in polymer production. The
partnership combines IKEA's commitment to reduce their
depence on virgin fossil based materials and Neste's
expertise in renewable solutions. The companies aim
to produce plastics and other materials that are used

today, but instead replacing virgin fossil feedstock with    in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The facility
renewable or recycled waste and residue raw materials.       will focus on highly-differentiated applications and
The companies will work with a number of partners in the     segments through polymers derivatives. Highlighting
supply chain. Partners are provided with an opportunity      Sabic’s intent on developing collaboration with
to address the growing market for bio-based products         production sectors in China, the company’s vice
while utilizing their existing production assets."We are     chairman and CEO, Yousef Al-Benyan, said, “More
very pleased to form a partnership with IKEA , together      broadly, we look to further Sabic’s investment in
with partners, we can enable the production of bio-based     the Chinese economy and our strategic engagement
plastics that are produced from waste and residues of the    with key participants in the Chinese petrochemicals
customers' preference and choice. We are proud to work       industry.” The cooperation between the parties with
with IKEA on the initiative", says Tuomas Hyyryläinen, SVP,  respect to the coal-to-chemicals project contributes
Strategy and New Ventures at Neste. Lena Pripp-Kovac,        to the Chinese government’s Belt & Road Initiative,
Sustainability Manager, at IKEA of Sweden said,"IKEA wants   expanding the economic ties and bilateral trade
to contribute to a transformational change in the industry   between Saudi Arabia and China. The project
and to the development of plastics made from recycled or     would benefit from Sabic’s participation through
renewable sources. In line with our goals, we are moving     the utilisation of Sabic’s advanced technologies.
away from virgin fossil-based plastic materials in favor     The project would also have access to Sabic’s
of plastic produced from more sustainable recycled or        global technology & innovation centres for product
renewable sources such as waste and residues, not using      development, and technical support and application
palm oil and it's derivatives as feedstock.”                 development programs. The project would also
                                                             bene?t from the participation of SNCG, which is an
                                                             af?liate of Shenhua Group, one of the largest coal
                                                             producers and suppliers in China, as well as a global
                                                             coal-based, integrated energy and chemicals company.

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