Page 68 - Plastics News September 2016
P. 68
U?ex introduces Big bags’ engineered packaging ?lm, Mr.
Ashok Chaturvedi, Chairman
Big bags’, as the name suggests are rather heavy duty & Managing Director Uflex
packages used for bulk-packing items like building Limited said, “Low SIT High
materials, ?our, rice and pet food among several others. Seal Strength Matt Bi-axially
U?ex Limited apart from possessing superior capabilities Oriented Polypropylene Film
of providing end to end ?exible packaging solutions for has appropriately addressed
semi-solids, viscous ?uids, pastes and gels is an undisputed the inherent lacunae of the
Industry Leader offering packaging solutions for solids, ordinary matt ?nish OPP ?lms
granular materials and powdersas well. Right from as and is pegged as the game
little as 5 grams to as much as 40 kilograms, U?ex can changer for big bags owing
pack it all with ?nesse.A daunting challenge confronting to the host of bene?ts that it
the big bag industry was the dif?culty in manufacturing brings along.
High Coef?cient Of Friction (COF) anti-skid bags in matt
option owing to the inherent properties of the ordinary Croda launches Anti-scratch
OPP ?lm. A high COF is imperative for stacking big bags Additives for Plastics
on to the pallets. Bags made from ordinary matt ?nish
oriented polypropylene (OPP) ?lm cannot be stacked Croda launched their range of anti-scratch
as they skid during palletization. Thus there has been additives to meet the demand for improved
a burgeoning demand from the global clientele for big quality of plastic parts in high end applications .Anti
bags in Matt ?nish option. Immaculately engineered Big
Bags by the Converting/ Packaging Business vertical of scratch additives not
U?ex are made by combining high COF, Low SIT, High Seal only reduce scratch
Strength Matt Bi-axially Oriented Polypropylene Film and width, depth and
High Performance Woven Polypropylene (WPP) fabric. This visibility but the highly
combination imparts high strength to the bags making stable additives offer
them ?t for heavy duty applications. The big bags made no negative impact
of this special ?lm have quali?ed the critical drop tests on parts including low
as laid down by the ASTM standards. This Low SIT High visible bloom, low
Seal Strength Matt Bi-axially Orientated Polypropylene odor and maintained
Film engineered by the Packaging Film Business vertical gloss. Introduced by
of U?ex offers a number of positives like high haze > Croda, the range offers
75%; Low Seal Initiation Temperature (SIT)- 108 degrees products for a variety
C; low gloss on matt side; excellent matt dispersion; of polymers and applications from high gloss surfaces
good contact transparency and excellent homogeneity. to transparent parts. Croda’s additives include
The ?lm also exhibits high Hot-Tack strength and imparts high stability products that work from within the
paper like matt look to the bag signi?cantly enhancing formulation to enhance plastics’ surface properties.
its aesthetics. They can withstand challenging processing conditions
and give long term in-use performance in the ?nished
This special ?lm used for manufacturing big bags allows products. Additionally, their low usage levels do
good stacking and sealing for pinch bottom. Pinch bottom not cause any detrimental effect on mechanical
is the process of step-cut sealing at the bottom of the bags properties. The range includes Incroslip SL and
through hot air purging. The pinch bottom option offers IncroMold K for polypropylene impact copolymer
far superior sealing as compared to conventional methods and Incroslip G for polypropylene homopolymer
like bottom fold taping and stitching. Above all, pinch applications.
bottom offers a leak-proof seal as opposed to ordinary
sealing. Commenting upon the success of this specially
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