Page 77 - Plastics News September 2016
P. 77
Scientist develop new method to produce ultra-high molecular
weight PE implants
Scientists at NUST MISIS`s - Russia's National University Third, the porous structure ?lls 80% of the implant blank,
of Science and Technology MISiS, have developed a enabling the implant to be quickly overgrown with tissues
new method to produce ultra-high molecular weight and blood vessels. On top of that, the material is rather
polyethylene implants intended to replace bone tissue cheap: a 50 cm3 implant blank without sown cells and
defects in humans and animals. The new implant imitates proteins costs about Fedor 10,000 rubles,” Senatov of
bone tissue structure and consists of a porous inner layer the Center for Composite Materials at NUST MISIS said.
and a solid outer layer. In an organism, its spongy structure
enables newly formed blood vessels and tissues to grow It took four years to develop the new implant-making
method and the effort is still in progress. Initial preclinical
into the implant. tests have been successful. Researchers have applied
The solid layer is for two Russian patents and are planning to patent the
added for strength method internationally.
and bears the bulk
of the pressure. New star-shaped polymer can shred
Finely divided bacteria membranes
ultra-high molecular A new class of star-shaped polymers has proven
weight polyethylene powder is used in the manufacture effective at killing drug-resistant bacteria, opening new
of the implants, with high-purity salt introduced to form potential treatment options in the future. A team from
pores. Special presses reduce the mixture to a solid the Melbourne School of Engineering has developed
mass. Next salt is washed out under conditions where a new class of star-
water is liquid in temperatures ranging from 100 to 374 like protein chains or
degrees Celsius and under pressure of 218+ atmospheres “peptide polymers,”
(subcritical water). The next step is to dry the implant and that can effectively
to reinforce it with a solid layer of ultra-high molecular kill bacteria which are
weight polyethylene. An antibacterial additive is infused impervious to current
into the implant’s upper layers, where it forms a stratum antibiotics. Professor
that will protect the organism from in?ammation and Greg Qiao from the
help to avoid infection. The porous part is seeded with school’s Department
cells taken from the patient’s bone marrow and proteins of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and his team
stimulating their ingrowth into bone tissue. said that the only real avenue of treatment currently
available for infections caused by bacteria is antibiotics.
Implants will be used to replace sections of tubular bone But he’s worried that if we continue the arms race with
tissue in injuries or cancer cases, including ?at bones — bacteria in this way, we will be left defenseless in a
pelvic, cranial, shoulder-blade, etc. — exposed to low and few decades. The team has been working with peptide
medium loads. The technology can also be used in animals. polymers for the past few years, looking for a way to
“Our implants have several important advantages. First, weaponize them in our favor. Recently, they developed
they are made from light but strong material that can a star-shaped polymer that might become one of the
sustain low and medium pressures (its total compression best foot-soldier in this ?ght. And the upshot is that the
strength is up to 80 MPa). Due to their unique structure, substance is harmless to the patient. Tests undertaken on
our implants are superior to their counterparts from mice have shown that the polymer is extremely effective
Europe and the US in terms of strength. Second, the at killing Gram-negative bacteria — a class known for its
material is highly plastic: a surgeon can cut the implant to propensity to develop antibiotic resistance. discovery is
size, something that can’t be done with titanium implants. the beginning of unlocking a new treatment for antibiotic-
resistant pathogens.
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