Page 21 - Plastics News September 2017
P. 21


           Properties:                                           commissioned by the National Biodiesel Board, reported

                                                                 the 2011 production of biodiesel supported 39,027 jobs and
           Biodiesel has promising lubricating properties and cetane
                                                                 more than $2.1 billion in household income in the United
           ratings compared to low sulfur diesel fuels. Depending on
                                                                 States. The growth in biodiesel also helps signifi cantly
           the engine, this[clarifi cation needed] might include high
                                                                 increase GDP. In 2011, biodiesel created more than
           pressure injection pumps, pump injectors (also called
                                                                 $3 billion in GDP. Judging by the continued growth in
           unit injectors) and fuel injectors. The calorifi c  value
                                                                 the Renewable Fuel Standard and the extension of the
           of biodiesel is about 37.27 MJ/kg. This is 9% lower than
           regular Number 2 petrodiesel.  Variations in biodiesel   biodiesel tax incentive, the number of jobs can increase
                                                                 to 50,725, $2.7 billion in income, and reaching $5 billion
           energy density is more dependent on the feedstock used
           than the production process. Still, these variations are   in GDP by 2012 and 2013.
           less than for petrodiesel. It has been claimed biodiesel   Energy security
           gives better lubricity and more complete combustion
                                                                 One  of  the  main  drivers  for  adoption  of  biodiesel  is
           thus increasing the engine energy output and partially
                                                                 energy security. This means that a nation's dependence
           compensating for the higher energy density of petrodiesel.
                                                                 on oil is reduced, and substituted with use of locally
           The color of biodiesel ranges from golden to dark brown,
                                                                 available sources, such as coal, gas, or renewable sources.
           depending on the production method. It is slightly
                                                                 Thus  a country  can  benefi t  from  adoption  of  biofuels,
           miscible with water, has a high boiling point and low vapor
                                                                 without a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. While
           pressure. *The fl ash point of biodiesel (>130 °C, >266 °F)
                                                                 the total energy balance is debated, it is clear that the
           is signifi cantly higher than that of petroleum diesel (64
                                                                 dependence on oil is reduced. One example is the energy
           °C, 147 °F) or gasoline (−45 °C, −52 °F). Biodiesel has a
                                                                 used to manufacture fertilizers, which could come from a
           density of ~ 0.88 g/cm³, higher than petrodiesel ( ~ 0.85
                                                                 variety of sources other than petroleum. The US National
           g/cm³). Biodiesel contains virtually no sulfur,[54] and it is
                                                                 Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) states that energy
           often used as an additive to Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)
                                                                 security is the number one driving force behind the US
           fuel to aid with lubrication, as the sulfur compounds in
                                                                 biofuels programme and a White House "Energy Security
           petrodiesel provide much of the lubricity.
                                                                 for the 21st Century" paper makes it clear that energy
           Material compatibility                                security is a major reason for promoting biodiesel.
           Plastics:High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is compatible   Environmental effects
           but polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is slowly degraded. Polystyrene
                                                                 The surge of interest in biodiesels  has highlighted a
           is dissolved on contact with biodiesel.
                                                                 number of environmental effects associated with its
           Metals: Biodiesel (like methanol) has an effect on copper-
                                                                 use. These potentially include reductions in greenhouse
           based materials (e.g. brass), and it also affects zinc, tin,
                                                                 gas emissions, deforestation, pollution and the rate of
           lead, and cast iron.[5] Stainless steels (316 and 304) and
                                                                 biodegradation. According to the EPA's Renewable Fuel
           aluminum are unaffected.
                                                                 Standards Program Regulatory Impact Analysis, released in
           Rubber: Biodiesel also affects types of natural rubbers   February 2010, biodiesel from soy oil results, on average,
           found in some older engine components. Studies have   in a 57% reduction in greenhouse gases compared to
           also found that fl uorinated elastomers (FKM) cured with   petroleum diesel, and biodiesel produced from waste
           peroxide and base-metal oxides can be degraded when   grease results in an 86% reduction.
           biodiesel loses its stability caused by oxidation. Commonly
                                                                 However, environmental organizations, for example,
           used synthetic rubbers FKM- GBL-S and FKM- GF-S found
                                                                 Rainforest Rescueand Greenpeace criticize the cultivation
           in modern vehicles were found to handle biodiesel in all
                                                                 of plants used for biodiesel production, e.g., oil palms,
                                                                 soybeans and sugar cane. They say the deforestation of
           Economic impact                                       rainforests exacerbates climate change and that sensitive
           Multiple economic studies have been performed regarding   ecosystems are destroyed to clear land for oil palm,
           the economic impact of biodiesel production. One study,   soybean and sugar cane plantations.

                                                                              21   September 2017  | Plastics News
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