Page 47 - Plastics News September 2017
P. 47
Nordson to introduce Xaloy® System at Fakuma
ordson Corporation will introduce Xaloy® A new “Wear-resistance is only one of the requirements for
Nplasticizing system for compounds with high levels of successfully processing the highly fi lled compounds called
glass fi ber reinforcement provides wear-resistance, high for in metal-replacement and other high-performance
throughput, and gentle mixing, enabling injection molders applications,” said Mark Colella, global product manager
for Nordson’s Xaloy brand. “Our new Xaloy® plasticizing
to meet the requirements of metal-replacement and other
system enables molders to overcome the challenges to
high-strength applications while enhancing productivity
productivity and part quality posed by today’s increasingly
and part quality.To be introduced by Nordson Corporation at
higher loadings of glass fi ber reinforcement.”
Fakuma 2017 the Xaloy® High Glass Filled Polymer System
is designed for injection molding a wide range of resins
with fi ller content from 10 to 60%. Applications include Thermoforming Technology
automotive, marine, Group changes name to Brown
electronic, and other
parts that require very Machine
high levels of strength
and stiffness. hermoforming Technology Group (TTG) in
TBeaverton, Mich., is changing its name to Brown
Components in the
Machine Group.Each of the four brands within the group
Xaloy® package system
include: — Brown Machine, Lyle Industries, Nalle Automation
Systems (NAS) and Epco — will keep their existing names
● Xaloy® Pulsar™ a n d
I Mixing Screw, whose wave-style root geometry
enhances distributive and dispersive mixing, providing logos.
continually varying, localized high- and low-pressure T h e
areas that yield complete melt homogenization with company
low shear. The resulting gentle mixing minimizes fi ber said the
breakage and thus maximizes part strength. name
change is part of a move toward "a stronger, more
● Xaloy® X-8000™ Screw Encapsulation, a nickel-
unifi ed corporate structure that drives value across
based alloy with high tungsten carbide content that
functions, including engineering, tooling, parts
provides twice the abrasive and corrosion wear life
than standard high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF)-applied service and administration." Bob Gordert, director
coatings. Nordson uses HVOF technology to apply of sales at Brown Machine Group, which is owned by
the coating to the entire screw geometry, then fuses private equity fi rm Tenex Capital Management, said
the alloy to the parent metal of the screw, forming the current administration and management will stay
a metallurgical bond. In addition, the Xaloy® X-8000 the same as well as product lines and facility locations
encapsulation is double the thickness of standard across each of the four brands.The company is also
HVOF-applied coatings. unveiling a new logo that it said depicts a core value
● Xaloy® X-800® Barrel Inlay, a liner combining a nickel- of the new organization: innovation."We will continue
based alloy with tungsten carbide that provides a to build on the strengths of the individual product
high degree of abrasion and corrosion resistance and brands in our portfolio, while leveraging their unique
functions compatibly with the Xaloy® X-8000™ screw qualities companywide to provide our customers
encapsulation. with a broader and better service offering across the
● Application-Specifi c Valve, designed to accommodate board," said Brown Machine Group President and CEO
the viscosity and fl ow properties of highly fi lled Bryan Redman Lyle Industries, which TTG acquired in
compounds. 2014, and Brown Machine manufacture thermoforming
47 September 2017 | Plastics News