Page 13 - Plastics News September 2020
P. 13

Clariant  wins  2020  China  GoldenBee  CSR             CCL  Industries  signs  New  Plastics  Economy
          Award                                                   Global Commitment
             lariant has bagged the2020 China GoldenBee CSR          anadian  packaging  solution  provider  CCL
          CAward. Clariant's commitment to plastic recycling      CIndustries has pledged to sustainability with the
          along its value chain and advocacy for its EcoCircle    signing  of  the  New  Plastics  Economy  Global
          initiative through sustainable products, solutions and   Commitment. As part of this commitment, CCL plans
          partnerships have earned the company the 2020 China     to make packaged goods to be recyclable, reusable or
          GoldenBee CSR Award. Named a GoldenBee Enterprise       compostable  by  2025  and  cut  waste  by  level  90%
          (One Star)1, Clariant is recognized for contributing to   globally by 2025. It also plans to eliminate all landfill
          the infrastructure needed to enable plastics industry   from its manufacturing process in North America and
          to shift toward circular business models and improved   Europe by 2030. Additionally, CCL will invest in further
          sustainability, which is in line with GoldenBee's pursuit   development of sustainable and circular products The
          of  sustainability  and  CSR.  In  addition,  details  of   Company will invest in technology and resources to
          Clariant's EcoCircle and how the company's relevant     achieve  these  targets  in  the  coming  years.  CCL
          solutions and products help contribute to the circular

          plastics economy were also documented in the “2020
          GoldenBee  CSR  Competitiveness  Case  Study
                                                                  Industries  president  and  chief  executive  officer
          Collection.  The  GoldenBee  Award  was  presented  in   Geoffrey  Martin  said:  “This  is  a  milestone  on  our
          Beijing on August 6, 2020 during the “15th China CSR
                                                                  journey towards making the Company a sustainability
          International Forum-cum-GoldenBee CSR China Honor
                                                                  leader in our industry with responsible supply chain
          Roll.  The  annual  event  was  hosted  by  China       operations and innovative products for customers and
          Sustainability  Tribune  and  GoldenBee,  which  is  a
                                                                  consumers  globally.  Led  by  the  Ellen  MacArthur
          pioneer network of CSR and sustainable development      Foundation, New Plastics Economy aims to achieve a
          in China that includes a host of Chinese enterprises
                                                                  circular economy for plastic. In 2018, the New Plastics
          committed to pursuing sustainable development. The
                                                                  Economy launched The Global Commitment to bring
          recognition from the CSR and sustainable development
                                                                  businesses and governments together to work towards
          community  in  China  reinforces  further  Clariant's
                                                                  transforming the production, use and reuse of plastic
         commitment  to  sustainability.  “Clariant  has  a  long-  In  October  last  year,  consumer  and  professional
         term commitment to sustainability, and many of our
                                                                  products  manufacturer  Clorox  signed  the  Ellen
         strategies and solutions are built around that mission.   MacArthur Foundation's New Plastics Economy Global
         With  initiatives  like  EcoCircle,  we've  addressed  the
                                                                  Commitment.  Last  month,  CCL  Industries  signed  a
         plastic recycling challenge by not only putting forward
                                                                  binding  agreement  to  acquire  pharmaceutical  and
         our own solutions, but also aligning with our partners in
                                                                  medical  device  industries  short-run  folding  cartons
         the chemical industry to create stronger synergies for a
                                                                  digital printer provider the Graphic West International
         circular  plastics  economy  by  helping  reduce,  re-use   (GWI), in a deal valued at around $36m, net of cash
         and recycle plastics,” says Andy Walti, Head of Region
                                                                  and debt.
         China, Clariant.
           September  2020                                   13                                     Plastics News
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