Page 21 - Plastics News September 2021
P. 21
Lanxess Launches Hollow-Profile Hybrid Technology
With thermoplastic compounds metallic hollow profiles can be functionalized on conventional in-
jection molding machines having wider applications in the Automotive ,Furniture and Construction
njection overmolding has been much compounds is now being launched by development of the “traditional” plastic-
Iin the composites industry news Lanxess. metal composite technology (hybrid
lately, but primarily in the realm of technology) using sheet metal. The
creating hybrid composites. While The new lightweight technology has general strength of the new technology
plastic/metal hybrid (PMH) structures been shown to result in plastic-metal is that processors can manufacture with
those that combine sheet-metal composite components that boast far short cycle times, as is typical for injection
substructures injection overmolded greater torsional stiffness and strength molding in high-volume production. As
with a thermoplastic composite have than could previously be achieved with a result, the manufacturing process
been seeing a rise across the industry,a other technologies for functionalizing is efficient and economical. There is
hollow-profile hybrid technology that hollow profiles. The potential applications no need for auxiliary units or tooling
enables metallic hollow profiles to be in the automotive industry include cross technology, which keeps investment
functionalized on conventional injection car beams, coupling rods, stabilizers and costs low. The fact that reasonably priced
molding machines with thermoplastic seat elements. Also, this technology could hollow profiles with relatively large
be used to produce skiing and hiking
poles and components for furniture and dimensional variations can be used helps
the construction industry. to make the process cost-effective, too.
Said Matthias Theunissen, an expert in Explained Theunissen, “With the aid
lightweight design at Lanxess, “Hollow- of innovative tolerance management,
profile hybrid technology has now we can prevent profiles of that type
progressed to such an advanced level from damaging the mold or stop leaks
that we have embarked on a variety of occurring in the injection molding
development projects with customers cavity.” When the thin-walled hollow
and have already reached the prototype profiles are overmolded with the molten
stage with some of them. The hollow- plastic, high pressures often exceeding
profile hybrid technology is a further 400 to 500 bar occur in the cavity. As a