Page 27 - Plastics News September 2021
P. 27


          Senate Democrats Eye Plastics Tax In Its                                UK  Plan Consultation

          Budget Plan                                                             on SUP  Ban

          Sstages of deciding how to raise taxes  cracking down on tax breaks for so-called  T he U K
             enate Democrats are still in the early  on billionaires, raising the estate tax and

          and haven’t even settled on how much  conservation easements. Altogether,  Government
                                             his panel is considering more than a  has planned to
                                             dozen and a half possible tax increases.  launch a public
                                             The list amounts to a menu of options  consultation
                                             from which his fellow Democrats could  on t he
                                             choose rather than a road map of where  proposed ban
                                             they are headed. Senate Democrats are  on  a  range
                                             still in the early stages of deciding how  of  single-use
                                             to raise taxes and haven’t even settled on  plastic items this autumn.The proposal
                                             how much revenue they need. Democrats   is part of the government’s broader
                                             are at odds over how big their spending   commitment to stop plastic waste by
                                             plan should be and how much of  it   the end of 2042. The ban could be
                                             needs to be paid for. What’s more, the   applicable on the supply of  single-
                                             entire roster of  tax increases under   use plastic plates and cutlery, and
                                             consideration would probably raise more   polystyrene cups in England. The
                                             money than they need, especially after   Department for Environment, Food
          revenue they need. The Senate’s top  Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) underscored   and Rural Affairs (Defra) has estimated
          tax writer is proposing new taxes on  on Thursday that he will not support   that each person in England uses 18
          executive compensation, stock buybacks  spending anywhere near the $3.5 trillion   single-use plastic plates and 37 single-
          and plastics to help pay for Democrats’  that the Democrats’ budget allows.The   use plastic items of cutlery annually. In
          multitrillion-dollar social spending plan.  House Ways and Means Committee is   addition to the ban, the government
          There are many including a proposal to  developing its own slate of tax hikes,   will impose a plastic packaging tax
          impose an excise tax on corporations  which Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass) has   from April 2022. Plastic packaging
          when CEO pay outstrips their average  kept under wraps.  Many of the proposals   containing less than 30% recycled
          workers’ pay by an unspecified ratio and  Wyden is considering are not surprising:   content produced in or imported into
          another proposal to impose a 20-cent  raising the corporate rate; increasing   the UK will be charged $275 (£200) per
          tax on the sale of “virgin” plastic used  the top marginal income tax rate back   tonne. Environment Secretary George
          to make single-use plastics. Wyden, who  up to 39.6 percent, where it was before   Eustice said: “We’ve all seen the damage
          has been meeting weekly with Finance  Republicans cut it; lifting the tax on   that plastic does to our environment. It
          Committee Democrats, also wants his  capital gains to match the top income   is right that we put in place measures
          colleagues to consider imposing an excise  tax rate on high earners. Some would   that will tackle the plastic carelessly
          tax on corporations that buy back large  expand on tax increases Democrats   strewn across our parks and green
          amounts of their stock and requiring  quietly approved earlier this year as part   spaces and washed up on beaches. “We
                                                                                 have made progress to turn the tide on
          billionaires to pay taxes on unrealized  of their coronavirus stimulus package,   plastic, banning the supply of plastic
          stock gains.He is proposing taxes aimed  such as a proposal to extend a temporary   straws, stirrers and cotton buds, while
          at fighting climate change, such as a levy  rule making it harder for people who   our carrier bag charge has cut sales by
          on the carbon dioxide content of fossil  own unincorporated businesses to use   95% in the main supermarkets. “Now
          fuels, and requiring people to withdraw  losses to offset other types of income,   we are looking to go a step further as
          money from retirement accounts when  thereby reducing their tax bills. Another   we build back greener. These plans will
          their balances exceed certain thresholds.  would expand restrictions on business   help us stamp out the unnecessary use
          Finance Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is  deductions for employees making more   of plastics that wreak havoc with our
          also suggesting the creation of a new levy  than $1 million.           natural environment.”

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