Page 38 - Plastics News September 2021
P. 38


          CSI Develops Tethered Lid Design Attached                              Sheffield's Recyclable

          To Bottles                                                             Toothpaste Tubes

                                                                                      S-based pharmaceutical company
                                                                                 USheffield Pharmaceuticals has
                                                                                 developed fully recyclable aluminium
                                                                                 tubes for its Dr Sheffield’s fluoride-
                                                                                 free charcoal toothpaste products.The
                                                                                 company plans to use the metal tubes to
                                                                                 package all nine of its cruelty-free, non-
                                                                                 genetically modified organism (GMO)
                                                                                 flavours of certified natural toothpaste.
                                                                                 The product will be switched to this
                                                                                 packaging over the
                                                                                 next several months.
                                                                                 As well as being
                                                                                 infinitely recyclable,
                                                                                 aluminium is said
              S-based packaging company  sustainable packaging and procurement   to maintain the
          UClosure Systems International  innovations, and drive progress against   product’s original
          (CSI) has introduced Twist and Flip,  the [Sustainable Development] Goals.”   flavour and quality
          a tethered lid design intended to help  The Twist and Flip lid is designed   better than plastic.
          fight plastic pollution. The Twist and  to  reduce  bottles’  overall  costs  and   More than 75% of
          Flip lid is part of CSI’s commitment  closure weight without compromising   the aluminium ever
          to  delivering  efficient  products  that  application performance on bottler   produced in the US
          contribute towards a circular economy.  lines. In addition, it is dimensionally   is estimated to still
          The design features a connector strand  interchangeable with other lids being   be in circulation.
          on the tamper-evident band, which  produced, meaning it can be used as   D r S he f f ie ld ’s
          allows the lid to stay attached to the  a drop-in replacement for them. To   toothpaste products
          bottle or container. CSI claims this  meet the requirements of  different   comply with Natural Products
          makes it easier to recap the bottle. The  products or packs, the tethered cap is   Association  standards  and  are  free
          cap flips by 180 degrees when fully  available in 26mm, 28mm and 38mm   from synthetic detergents or foaming
          opened to provide an ‘interference- diameters. It is currently sold in 14   agents, as well as artificial colours,
          free’ drinking experience. Twist and  colours and a transparent edition with   flavours and sweeteners. Sheffield
          Flip can be produced using CSI’s  the aim of delivering ‘superior’ shelf   Pharmaceuticals CEO Jeffrey Davis
          patented PolyCycle resin, which is  appeal and making the brand more   said: “We researched a host of new
          made from post-consumer recycled  recognisable. Based in Indianapolis,   packaging  options  to  find  the  one
          (PCR) material fully approved by the  Indiana, CSI produces more than 50   that matches our high standards of
          US Food and Drug Administration  billion closures a year. CSI designs and   sustainability and quality. “Our research
          (FDA). CSI business development  produces sustainable closure solutions   determined that aluminium was the
          vice-president Richard Burt said: “As an  for consumer and industrial markets.   clearest choice versus other options
          active member of the US Plastics Pact,  Their  product  line  includes  capping   like plastic, which often ends up in
          Sustainable  Packaging  Coalition  and  equipment for bottled water, juices,   landfills or, worse, in the oceans. As a
          Association of Plastic Recyclers, we are  carbonated soft drinks, to name a few.   result, we made a significant investment
          collaborating within our industry, our  CSI's  cutting-edge closure solutions   into modern automated packaging
          communities and with our customers to  help customers maximize profits by   equipment to allow us to manufacture
          eliminate plastic pollution and improve  increasing the marketability of  their   toothpaste packaged in aluminium
          recovery and recycling rates.“Our  brands and optimizing their total cost   tubes at high speeds.
          closures are designed to advance  of operations.

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