Page 52 - Plastics News September 2022
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          The journey of becoming the leading mould maker of India -

          Vasantha Tool Crafts Pvt. Ltd

                                                        Mr. Dayanand Reddy,

                                                        Founder and Director of
                                                        Vasantha Tool Crafts Pvt Ltd.

                                             procedures, "Failure was not in my vi- more substitutes. More than 40 coun-
                                             cinity at all," and I can say I have attain  tries worldwide use their molds.
                  The journey of becoming the   it from my father."
                  leading mould maker of India                                   Mr Dayanand Reddy expresses his
                  has  been    fueled  by  the  zeal   The company began in a leased premise  gratitude to Citibank for their support
                  and preservance of Mr. Day-  of approximately 1500 square feet; they  over the past 20 years, and shares one
                  anand Reddy – Founder and   started making more high-tech moulds.  of the stories about their difficult times
          Director, and Mr. Varun Reddy – Di-  However, somewhere around 1995-96,  while establishing their small tool room
          rector. The story unfold in the first film   an opportunity came for making cap  in Austria, saying, 'The local guys over
          from the series ‘the makers of India’ by   molds. As it is a plastic component, they  there were thinking whether this Indi-
          Citi Commercial Bank, India, celebrat-  expanded their limits and that was the  an toolmakers can fund this company.,
          ing the extra ordinary leaders of modern   turning point for their business as they  but the faith of this financial institution
          India.                             delivered more than customer expecta- made our base strong to make us stand
                                             tions.                              out and to provide the output  for the
          Vasantha  Tool  Crafts Pvt. Ltd  began                                 betterment of the plastic industry over-
          their journey in 1989 and is now In-  Later on, they started investing more   seas.
          dia's leading mould maker. Their policy   on technology and rotating their profit
          had always been to commit less while   to reach to their goal. Hence, to opt for  The company has now expanded their
          delivering more! Mr. Dayanand Reddy,   Automated Robotic Cell.         plants in Europe and the United States.
                                                                                 "One of Vasantha's mottos was to stop
          Founder and Director of Vasantha Tool  “Normally, it takes two and a half
                                                                                 imports." Today, we contribute to the
          Crafts Pvt. Ltd, has shared his journey  months to make any mold, but when you
                                                                                 country's growth by exporting more and
          of turning his passion into a profession. see the plastic article, (finished product),
                                                                                 reducing imports, as well as by establish-
          He shared the glimpses of his childhood   you forget about all your struggles”, he   ing similar industries elsewhere. So that
          saying, when he was about 15 years old,   stated.  The  company  now  export  be-  India can be proud overseas.
          he used to open half of the cycle, dis-  tween 50 to 60% of their products, even
          mantle it, and then reassemble it. He   the 40 to 50% of product they make for
          used to be very interested in mechanical   the Indian market are with majority of

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