Page 15 - Plastics News September 2024
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lenges to Vision 2047, outlining the major obsta- interactive session where participants highlight-
cles and proposing actionable solutions. A lively ed the need for increased collaboration between
Q&A session followed, during which industry industry and academia to foster innovation.
leaders and participants discussed strategies to
overcome these challenges.
Post-lunch, the focus shifted to market expan-
sion and export opportunities. Shri Arvind Mehta
spoke on the need for import substitution and
increasing exports of plastic finished goods, em-
phasizing diversification in global markets. Next
up in the spotlight was Shri Ashish Jain, Deputy
Director General of the Federation of Indian Ex-
ports Organisation, followed with an address on
driving exports within the plastics value chain, The fifth discussion addressed the emerg-
showcasing strategies to improve India’s export ing role of recycling in the plastics sector. Shri
performance. A detailed Q&A session allowed Jeevraj Pillai, Whole Time Director of Uflex Ltd.,
participants to gain insights into expanding their began with a presentation on MLP Recycling,
global reach. followed by presentations on PET Recycling by
Shri Prashant Khandelwal, Senior VP of Gane-
sha Ecosphere, and PE Recycling by Shri Dhruv
Dhawan, Director of Recraft Processing Private
Limited post which Shri Mani Vajipeyajula, Co-
Founder & CEO of Banyan Nation presented his
thoughts and views on the same. These pres-
entations shed light on the latest technologies
and trends in recycling and their potential for
growth in India’s plastics industry. The session’s
last presentation by Shri Siddharth Shah, Man-
aging Committee Member, AIPMA and Manag-
ing Director, Siddharth Consultancy Services
shed light on the overall recycling landscape
The workshop’s fourth discussion revolved of India and its future. A lively Q&A session fol-
around enhancing the research and develop- lowed, during which industry leaders and partici-
ment (R&D) ecosystem. Dr. R. Joseph Bensingh, pants discussed challenges which were faced to
Senior Scientist at CIPET, presented on Industry- establish and set in place new technologies and
Academia collaboration for driving R&D within EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility).
the plastics value chain. Followed up by was Dr.
Anup Ghosh, Professor (Emeritus), Indian Insti- In the sixth discussion, Shri Chetan Joshi, Man-
tute of Packaging, also shared insights on bridg- aging Committee Member of AIPMA, highlighted
ing the gap between the plastics industry and the role of AIPMA’s AMTEC in driving skills de-
R&D institutes. The discussion concluded with an velopment within the plastics industry. Next up
September 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 15