Page 30 - Plastics News April 2017
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          CHINAPLAS 2017 ready to welcome international visitors

          CHINAPLAS 2017 an end-user-oriented trade fair focusing on "Intelligent Manufacturing,
          High-tech Materials and Green Solutions is all set to a launch

          CHINAPLAS 2017, Asia's No. 1 plastics and rubber trade fair,   technology and automated, integrated production line.
          will take place from 16-19 May 2017 at the China Import   Advanced materials embrace building & construction
          and Export Fair Complex, Pazhou, Guangzhou, PR China.   industry
          The trade show is an end-user-oriented trade fair focusing
          on "Intelligent Manufacturing, High-tech Materials and   Lightweight, flexible, durable and easy-to-ship plastics
          Green Solutions". Since its debut in 1983, CHINAPLAS has                          also are extensively
          been dedicated to satisfying the demands of customers                             used in building and
          in the key end markets, including automotive, building                            construction  today.
          and construction, packaging, electrical and electronics,                          Considering the demands
          information technology, telecommunications and medical.                           on aesthetic appearance
          The last edition of CHINAPLAS successfully welcomed                               and utility, experts in this
          148,575 visitors, among which 39,454 were overseas                                industry  are  exploring
          visitors from over 160 countries and regions. As an                               applications for all types
          influential  event,  CHINAPLAS  always  strives  to  present   of advanced materials, from liquid crystal polymers and
          state-of-the-art technology and products that can be used   nano-materials to modified graphene EPS. Examples of all
          to help companies in those industries to innovate and   such materials are expected to be on prominent display
          operate more efficiently, sustainably and competitively.   at CHINAPLAS 2017.
          A showcase for high-performance automotive materials   Plastics and 3D printing to promote medical industry

          In recent years, the percentage of plastics used in a car has   Certain modified plastics offer excellent biocompatibility
          become one of the essential measures for technological   and have to drive the
          advancement. The automotive industry is increasingly   medical industry's
          incorporating various polymers — especially engineering   rapid development.
          plastics that offer key properties and performance benefits,   At CHINAPLAS 2017,
          such as low density, good melt flow rate, heat resistance   suppliers of healthcare
          and excellent noise dampening. Materials with molded-in   materials such as
          color, as well as carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics and   silicone rubber, bio-
          low-VOC resins have all become hot topics in the industry.   safe resins, and new
          With  the  continuing  development  of  electric  vehicles,   polymers that offer good resistance to gamma rays will
          high-performance materials are finding use in charging   all be on show. The medical industry also has been an
          piles and interior circuit controls of vehicles. CHINAPLAS   enthusiastic adopter of 3D printing equipment/technology
          2017 will offer international visitors plenty of examples   and of wearable technology. CHINAPLAS 2017 will launch
                                               of the latest in   a "3D Technology Subzone" offering the latest in additive
                                               these types of   manufacturing technologies, equipment, and materials.
                                               materials and    It is a must-see zone for experts from the medical and
                                               applications.    other industries.
                                               Exh i bi t ors
                                               also will be     Green packaging to be on stage at CHINAPLAS 2017
                                               showing the      Environmentally friendly packaging is a global hot
                                               latest in laser   topic when talking about sustainable development.
                                               processing       The  packaging  industry  tends  to  adopt  lightweight,

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