Page 34 - Plastics News April 2017
P. 34


          Legislation, measures adopted by large consumers boost Europes

          recycled polymer demand

             combination of factors including legislation and   measures to promote recycling. Germany, which already
          A measures adopted by some of the largest consumers of   generates 18 million mt/year of plastics waste, introduced
          polymers has raised the demand growth rate for recycled   an ordinance in mid-2016 that raised waste collection and
          plastics polymers in Europe to above that of virgin grades,   recycling targets.
          according to a report by Platts. Industry sources say a there
          has been a drive toward a recycled polymer industry in
          Europe over the past five years as the US has developed a   Dow completes construction of
          shale-gas-based petrochemicals industry. However, there
          are several factors hampering the growth of the recycled   world-scale ethylene production
          polymer industry. In an interview with S&P Global Platts,   facility in Freeport
          Mark Garrett, the CEO of Austrian petrochemicals producer
          Borealis, said recycling would be one of the strongest   he  Dow  Chemical  Company  has  announced  the
          measures for the European petrochemicals industry to   Tcompletion of the construction phase of its new, world-
          rise to the challenge posed by the burgeoning shale based   scale ethylene production facility in Freeport, Texas. The
          petrochemicals production in the US. Garrett said that   Company reached this milestone within one week of the
          some of the recent steps like an ordinance introduced by   originally planned date, which was set approximately two
          the German government in mid-2016 to improve waste    years ago. Dow’s ethylene unit is now progressing through
          plastics collection and recycling, besides commitments   the commissioning phase, with start-up expected by mid-
          made by some of the major consumers such as Unilever   year. “This tremendous milestone represents the Dow
          and Proctor & Gamble has been a shot in the arm to the   team’s unwavering ability to deliver on our commitments
          recycling industry. "The demand for recycled polymers is   to meet the needs of our customers, generate value for
          growing at a rate much faster than the virgin grade," he   our  shareholders  and  to  create  opportunities  for  our
          said. Garrett added that Borealis is trying to expand its   employees,” said Andrew Liveris, Dow’s chairman and
          recycling business both by acquiring smaller companies   CEO. “The Freeport ethylene unit is the cornerstone
          and  making  greenfield  investments.  Borealis  said  in  a   of ou r U S$ 6  bln
          separate e-mail that it asked some consultants to estimate   investment in the U.S.
                                                                Gulf Coast. Our growth
          the growth in recycled plastic polymers and they reached   investments leverage
          a figure of 6-15% between 2016 and 2017.
                                                                the  advantaged  shale
          The demand growth for virgin grade polymers in EU     gas supply available in
          is estimated at a much lower 1.1%. The total demand   the U.S., and represent
          for polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene   thousands of new jobs and significant economic value,
          in  Europe  is  currently  estimated  at  27.4  million  mt  a   including exports of approximately 20% of our U.S.
          year. An exact estimate of demand for recycled polymers   production.”
          is not available, but mandates among polymers buying   “I’m incredibly proud of our team’s efforts to complete
          companies to use recycled product in their assembly lines   the complex construction phase of Dow’s new state-of-
          ranges between zero and 100%.                         the-art ethylene facility. This unit will further enhance
                                                                Dow’s  industry-leading  integration  &  provide  the
          The EU has set up recycling several targets for the entire
          block. While the economic block has a common target   critical  building  blocks  to  bolster  our  competitive
                                                                advantage in targeted consumer-led markets, including
          of recycling 75% of its packaging waste by 2030, it plans   packaging, transportation, infrastructure and consumer
          to recycle 65% of its municipal waste by 2030. Countries   care,” said  Jim Fitterling, Dow’s president and chief
          such as Germany and the Netherlands have adopted      operating officer.

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