Page 49 - Plastics News August 2018
P. 49
Covestro introduces brand name for thermoplastic composites
ovestro is pushing ahead with developing and produces uni-directional reinforced tapes and sheets at
CPDUNHWLQJ LWV FRQWLQXRXV ÀEHU UHLQIRUFHG WKHUPRSODVWLF the production site in Markt Bibart in south Germany for
composites (CFRTP) by introducing Maezio™ as brand name. further processing by customers. Being strong, light, and
These innovative materials are set to tap into the growing aesthetic, these components can be combined into an
demand worldwide for strong and light materials that unlimited number of products, giving designers completely
FRQWULEXWH WR UHVRXUFH FRQVHUYDWLRQ DQG HQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQF\ new creative opportunities. They can be thermoformed
From mobility and electronics industries to consumer with existing thermoforming tools at high yield rates
goods and medical products, OEMs and part suppliers and low cycle times. This is vital when manufacturing
FDQ EHQHÀW IURP WKH KLJK SHUIRUPDQFH FDSDELOLWLHV RI scales can be in the range of millions of parts per year.
advanced composites while enjoying cost-effective and Other production technologies such as hybrid injection
scalable manufacturing solutions offered by Maezio™. PROGLQJ DXWRPDWHG 8' WDSH OD\LQJ DQG DXWRPDWHG ÀEHU
“The brand gives us a clear placement can be easily integrated. As thermoplastic
and strong identity to further composites, Maezio™ products can be recycled at the
expand our expertise in end of their useful life, making them “a perfect example
thermoplastic composites,” of what scalable and sustainable composite solutions
says David Hartmann, Co- look like in giving industries the material tools to push
CEO of CFRTP, one of the boundaries,” says Michael Schmidt. Maezio™ is attracting
two Co-CEOs for CFRTP composites alongside Dr. Michael interest in such diverse segments as the electrical and
Schmidt. The composite material of the future is based electronics industry, the automotive business, household
RQ FRQWLQXRXV FDUERQ RU JODVV ÀEHUV LPSUHJQDWHG ZLWK appliance manufacturers and furniture producers, medical
polycarbonate, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) or other technology, sports goods manufacturers, shoe producers
thermoplastic resins. From these components, Covestro and the luggage industry.
49 August 2018 Plastics News