Page 50 - Plastics News August 2018
P. 50


         Fraser introduces  Roto clean 4900                      Mark Andy Adds  Presses  to

                                                                 Performance Series Line
             nti-static technologies specialist Fraser Anti-static
         ATechniques (Devon, UK) has introduced an advanced          ark Andy has added the P9E, P7E and P5E to its
         product to clean and neutralize static in injection molding
                                                                 MPerformance Series product line. The Performance
         ionized air from single or multiple heads to clean products   6HULHV SODWIRUP UHGHÀQHV ZRUNÁRZ SURGXFWLYLW\ WKURXJK
         and remove static electricity that could attract further   LWV  VLPSOH  GHVLJQ   HIÀFLHQW  ZDVWH  VDYLQJV  DQG  IDVW
         dust. The device consists of a dual rotary nozzle driven by   changeovers. The new Performance Series P9E press is
         a patented centrifugal control integrated into a circular   VSHFLÀFDOO\ GHVLJQHG IRU KLJK TXDOLW\ ÁH[LEOH SDFNDJLQJ
         static eliminator. Bruce Clothier, CEO at Fraser Anti-static   production. Available in web widths up to 26 inches (660
         Techniques, believes the unique device is the perfect   PP   WKH ÁH[R SUHVV LV HQJLQHHUHG DV WKH LGHDO VROXWLRQ
         complement to more traditional forms of cleaning and    WR SULQW ÀOP  VKULQN VOHHYHV  ÁH[LEOH SDFNDJLQJ DQG IRLO
         static control on the production line. “Fraser has created   lidding. It’s built with new servo-controlled impression
         a niche in cleaning and static elimination in injection   adjustment, independent servo-driven anilox rolls
         molding environments,” said Clothier. “This includes our   and servo side adjust at print speeds up to 1,000 fpm.
         traditional range of 4125 air guns, 5100 and 500 air knives,
                                                                 (UJRQRPLF HIÀFLHQF\ LV DW WKH IRUHIURQW RI WKH ZLGHU
         DQG        DQG        QR]]OHV   :H  KDYH  QRZ  GHYHORSHG   and 26 inch web widths, which include plate cylinder
         Roto-Clean to complement the capabilities of the range.”   loading support as well as an anilox and chamber
         Roto-Clean can work as a stand-alone head on a robotic
         arm, or as an array over a production line conveyor. It can   GUDZHU  &RQÀJXUHG ZLWK 0DUN $QG\ $,  WKH 3HUIRUPDQFH
         clean complex shapes or bulky items and prevent further   Series P9E offers advanced automation with automated
         contamination, particularly where processes are heavily   registration and impression, job save, 8 servo motors
         automated, said Clothier. The combination of powerful,   per station and a centralized control system.
         pulsating air and static elimination gives Roto-Clean an   The enhancements reduce manual adjustments and
         advantage over alternative products, according to the   associated downtime while meeting Industry 4.0
         company. The device uses less air that is delivered at a   demands.Given the increased demand for shrink and
         lower pressure than air knives. An air bar revolves at 60
         revolutions per second using a patented centrifugal control   pouches coupled with larger volumes of shorter run
         powered solely by air. Air from two nozzles is ionized as it   OHQJWKV  WKH 3 ( LV D SURÀWDEOH SODWIRUP IRU VKRUW UXQ
                                                                 ÁH[LEOH SDFNDJLQJ  .H\ WR LWV VXFFHVV LV WKH ÁH[LELOLW\ LW
                                                                 offers converters, with a rail system providing endless
                                                                 opportunity through decoration versatility.

                                                                 “Mark Andy has over 800 Performance Series installed
                                                                 ZRUOGZLGH  :H FRQWLQXH WR GHYHORS ÁH[LEOH SULQWLQJ
                                                                 solutions that allow our customers to evolve as their job
                                                                 mix changes. The Performance Series P9E is an extension
                                                                 of our commitment and solves the pain points narrow
                                                                 web converters are facing plus the growing demand for
                                                                 shrink,” says Jeff Cowan, Mark Andy director of business
                                                                 development. The Performance Series press line also
                                                                 welcomes the P7E and P5E models. Engineered with
                                                                 precision, the Performance Series P7E allows converters
         contacts the product up to 240 times per second, blasting   WR H[SDQG LQWR QHZ PDUNHWV  WDUJHWLQJ HQWU\ OHYHO ÀOP
         away dust from various angles, including crevices. The   and extended content applications. The P5E is designed
         nozzles require no additional power source Roto-Clean is   WR LQFUHDVH FRQYHUWHU SURÀWDELOLW\ IRU WKH VLPSOHVW WR
         available in diameters ranging from 112 to 178 mm with   most complex label applications.
         operational pressures from 1 to 3.5 bar.

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