Page 5 - Plastics News August 2018
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                                                                IN THIS ISSUE...
           MCN/200/2018-2020       August 2018
           Volume 128              No. 8                                 REGIONAL ASSOCIATION
                                                                   12…..AIPMA At Work
           Chairman - Editorial Board
           Mr. Hiten Bheda

           Hon. Editor                                           *RYHUQPHQW     3ODVWLF  ,QGXVWU\  WR  ZRUN  WRJHWKHU  IRU
           Mr. Rajiv B. Tolat                                    DGGUHVVLQJ YDULRXV LVVXHV DULVLQJ RXW RI SODVLF EDQ  ZDVWH
                                                                 PDQDJHPHQW UXOHV DPRQJ RWKHUV
           Members                                               ,3/(;      KHOG DW +\GHUDEDG
           Mr. A. E. Ladhaboy
           Dr. T. Biswas
           Dr. Y. B. Vasudeo                                         «  &RPSDQ\ 1HZV
           Dr. D. D. Kale
           Mr. Mayur K. Shah
           Mr. Subba Bangera                                         «« )HDWXUHV
           Mr. Bhavesh Sheth

           Editorial Co-ordination:                              0DKDUDVKWUD JRYHUQPHQW VHW WR UROO RXW D EX\EDFN VFKHPH
           Padmesh Prabhune,                                     &RQYHUWLQJ  &DUERQ  'LR[LGH  LQWR  0HWKDQH  RU  (WKDQH
           Dhruv Communications, Mumbai, Tel. No: 022 2868 5198 / 5049    Selectively
           Fax No: 022-28685495 Email:
                                                                 Getting Started with Medical Molding
           Published by                                          'HYHORSPHQWV  DQG  7UHQGV  LQ  /LGGLQJ  )LOP  IRU  )RRG
           Ms. Umaa Gupta on behalf of the owners,               Applications
           The All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association     $ 3URFHVVRU¶V 0RVW ,PSRUWDQW -RE  3DUW
           Plot No. A-52, Road No. 1, M.I.D.C., Andheri (E),
           0XPEDL          7HO           ‡ )D[                           ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 1HZV

           Printed by her at:
           Dhote Offset Technokrafts Pvt. Ltd.,                      «   %XVLQHVV 1HZV
           Goregaon (E), Mumbai-400 063.

           Annual Subscription     Rs. 1,000/-                       «   3URGXFW 1HZV
           Single issue            Rs. 75/-

           Views/Reports/Extracts etc. published in Plastics News are those of   55..… Technology
           the authors and not necessarily of the Editor. Furthermore except
           for copies of formal AIPMA communications no other matter in this
           journal should be interpreted as views of The All India Plastics Mfgrs.
           Association.                                                « ,Q 7KH 1HZV
           2IÀFH %HDUHUV
           Mr. Hiten Bheda          President
           Mr. Sanju Desai          Senior Vice President
           Mr. Jagat Killawala      Vice President – Finance
           Mr. L. K. Singh          Vice President (North Zone)
           Mr. Anil Reddy Vennam    Vice President (South Zone)
           Mr. Ashok Agarwal        Vice President (East Zone)

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