Page 13 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 13


          ies to illustrate the benefits of using currency      Mr. Pramod Bhuvan from RiverBank Insurance
          derivatives. During the Q&A session, Ms. Sharma       Brokers provided insights into trade credit in-
          answered numerous questions, helping partici-         surance and its role in reducing payment risks.
          pants understand the practical aspects of cur-        He explained the different types of trade credit
          rency risk management.                                insurance and their benefits. The Q&A session
                                                                allowed Mr. Bhuvan to clarify doubts and elabo-
          Ms. Parvathy Moorthy from NSE discussed the           rate on how SMEs can leverage trade credit in-
          process and benefits of listing SMEs on the NSE       surance to mitigate risks.
          platform. She detailed the eligibility criteria, list-
          ing process, and the advantages of being listed       Shri Praful Umare from the MSME Development
          on NSE. The subsequent Q&A session allowed            and Facilitation Office gave an overview of vari-
          Ms. Moorthy to address participants' queries          ous MSME schemes supporting SME growth.
          about the listing process and the support pro-        He provided detailed information on govern-
          vided by NSE.                                         ment schemes and incentives available to SMEs.
                                                                During the Q&A session, Shri Umare addressed
          Mr. K. V. Srinivasan from Profectus Capital talked    specific questions about the application process
          about how SMEs can maximize their financial re-       and eligibility criteria for these schemes.
          sources. He discussed various financing options
          and strategic financial management  practices.
          In the Q&A session that followed, Mr. Srinivasan
          provided personalized advice and strategies for
          optimizing financial resources.

                                                                Mr. Hitesh Sethia from NSE discussed the im-
                                                                portance of commodity derivatives in managing
                                                                price volatility for SMEs through a very interac-
                                                                tive session which caught everybody’s interest.
                                                                He explained how commodity derivatives could
                                                                help SMEs hedge against price fluctuations.
                                                                The subsequent Q&A session was lively, with
                                                                Mr. Sethia providing detailed answers and real-
                                                                world examples.

                                                                Shri Mangesh Wankhade from SIDBI shared fi-
                                                                nancial solutions tailored for MSMEs. He high-
                                                                lighted various SIDBI initiatives and financial

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