Page 11 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 11


                  The Financial Conclave - Empowering SMEs: Competitive
                        Financing for Plastics Value Chain, 25th July 2024,
                          NSE India Ltd. Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai

                 he Financial Conclave, titled "Empower-        Shyam Sunder, Director General of AIPMA, who
                 ing SMEs: Competitive Financing for Plas-      also  led  a lamp  lighting  and  bell-ringing  cer-
          Ttics Value Chain," took place on July 25,            emony. Lamp lighting was done by Shri Milind
          2024, at the National Stock Exchange of India         Barapatre IEDS, Joint Director & Head of Office
                                                                at the MSME Development and Facilitation Of-
                                                                fice along with other dignitaries present on the
                                                                dais. Mr. Manish Dedhia, President of AIPMA,
                                                                welcomed everyone and highlighted the impor-
                                                                tance of financial empowerment for SMEs in the
                                                                plastics industry. He wholeheartedly expressed
                                                                gratitude to all the guests and dignitaries for
                                                                sparing their valuable time to attend the confer-
                                                                ence and contribute their expertise for the ben-
                                                                efit of the plastic industry.

                                                                Shri Arvind Mehta, Governing Council Chairman

          Limited in Mumbai. This event was organized by
          the All India Plastics Manufacturers Association
          (AIPMA) and the National Stock Exchange of In-
          dia Ltd. (NSE). It aimed to help Small and Me-
          dium Enterprises (SMEs) in the plastics industry
          understand competitive financing,  prepare for
          IPOs, manage risks, and use the financial eco-
          system effectively.

          The event started with an introduction by Dr.

                                                                of AIPMA, gave a keynote address on financial
                                                                strategies to enhance export potential in the
                                                                plastic industry. He emphasized the importance
                                                                of strategic planning and government support in
                                                                increasing export volumes.

                                                                Shri Milind Barapatre, IEDS, Joint Director & Head
                                                                of Office at the MSME Development and Facilita-
                                                                tion Office, spoke about the government's role

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