Page 34 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 34


          Antalis announces new plastic-free strapping


          A       ntalis announces new plastic-free strap-      have a special tying technique that binds goods

                  ping machines
                                                                without the need for extra machinery or sealing

                  A brand-new line of cotton twine wrap-        materials. This makes the twine easy to open
                                                                and appropriate for delicate or smooth prod-
          ping and tying equipment from Antalis Packag-         ucts. The technique avoids surface damage and
          ing offers a strapping substitute that is entirely    keeps the strain uniform.
          natural.  These machines are designed to offer
          flexibility for wrapping various products, from       Amy Skingsley, packaging product manager at
          small items like nails and gifts to larger ones like   Antalis, notes that twine solutions are adapt-
          wooden planks. With options for incorporation         able for different applications, product types,
          into automated packaging processes, they seek         volumes, and budgets. The machines offer vari-
          to be a sustainable solution for fastening pack-      ous cord colors, types, and tensions, making
          ages, cardboard boxes, pipes, fabrics, and mag-       them versatile and cost-efficient with low run-
          azines.                                               ning costs and sustainable  benefits. In  related
                                                                news, Hugo Beck said that, at LogiMAT 2024, it
          The twine used in these machines is made from         would showcase three machine solutions for e-
          cotton and recycled cotton, which are biode-          commerce and product delivery, with the goal of
          gradable and help reduce plastic use in packag-       highlighting sustainable film and paper wrapping
          ing. The fact that the twine in these machines        processes. Additionally, chocolate brSand Cox &
          has no "memory" and won't bounce back when            Co introduced paper flow wrap packaging for its
          unwrapped  reduces  the  possibility  of  tripping    chocolate bars, eliminating plastics and reducing
          risks that come with traditional strapping, further   packaging costs by 35%.
          improving safety.
                                                                                           Source:- Packaging Europe
          Antalis highlighted that their twine machines

          Himachal Pradesh High Court issues contempt

          notice to plastic firms

                 he  Himachal  Pradesh  High Court  has  is-    cerns about environmental damage brought on
                 sued a contempt notice to two private          by plastic trash and the recent disasters in Ram-
          Tplastic-producing companies for failing              pur and Kullu caused by cloudbursts.
          to report the plastic waste generated by their
          products to the HP State Pollution Control Board      The court also directed the state government to
          (HPSPCB). This action was taken by a Division         present the minutes of a stakeholders' meeting
          Bench, comprising Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan        scheduled for August 3, aimed at resolving plas-
          and Justice Sushil Kukreja, in response to Acon-      tic waste management issues. On August 8, the

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