Page 36 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 36


          Flash recycling breakthrough achieves 98% effi-

          ciency in battery recovery

                       Reprsentation image of used batteries piled randomly in big comtainer.

                 esearchers at Rice University, led by          without the need for solvents. This approach ad-
                 James Tour, have created a ground-             dresses the environmental challenges of recy-
          Rbreaking  flash recycling technique  that            cling lithium-ion batteries, particularly from elec-
          recovers battery material with 98% efficiency.        tric vehicles, and offers significant economic and
          This environmentally friendly method, called          ecological benefits over traditional methods. The
          flash Joule heating (FJH), rapidly heats battery      process is being scaled industrially, with poten-
          waste to 2,500 Kelvin, creating magnetic shells       tial to handle both cathode and anode recycling.
          and stable core structures. The technique great-                             Source: - Interesting Engineering
          ly reduces metal impurities and preserves the
          material structure for future usage by effective-
          ly separating and purifying battery components

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