Page 34 - Plastics News December 2016
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                                                                                               INDIA 2017

                                                                                        International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

                                                                                Where the future of plastic is...
                                                                                        JAN 2017
                                                                    19  20  21  22  23  MUMBAI. INDIA

Sung Lung - the spec of Plastivision Preview - company profile

                              SUN LUNG, established in 1960,        gear profile modification.
                              is specialized in designing and
                              manufacturing Precision Gears and     SUN LUNG pays much attention to marketing activities
                              Gearboxes for plastic extruders,      and company image. We attend many kinds of exhibitions
                              plastic injection machines, blown     worldwide, gather many valuable customer feedbacks
                              molding/film machines, pipe/          and exchange technical experience to expand our global
                              sheet/profile and recycling           vision and explore the international market scale. We have
                              equipment. We offer high quality      gotten tremendous sales increase over the past years from
standards products with innovative design and reliable              our active promotion. SUN LUNG will keep emphasizing
customized service. More than 75% of Taiwan's plastic               overseas markets, expanding the areas of global service,
extrusion companies are using SUN LUNG gearboxes.                   building high reputation and keeping steady growth and
                                                                    sustainable operation in the future.
We serve different industries with various applications
including screw & nuts machineries, metal machineries,              With the rapid progress of industrial technology, in order
paper processing machineries, punch presses machineries             to meet the changing demand of customers, a company
and other machineries that require high loadings as well            must keep being innovative and transforming. SUN LUNG
as high torque such as plastics machineries extruders and           insists on "In search of excellence" and offering the best
injection molding machines.                                         quality, service and marketing activities.

We are not only a CE and ISO 9001-certified company,                We have been trying
                                          but also the members      our best to meet the
                                          of AGMA (American         demand of top quality
                                          Gear Manufacturers        for our worldwide
                                          Association) & TAMI       customers and keep
                                          (Taiwan Association of    steady growth and
                                          Machinery Industry). SUN  sustainable operation of the company. We wish to grow
                                          LUNG has acquired strong  with our customers and share the success with our
                                                                    employee based on the principles of honesty and credit.
worldwide reputation since 2000. From 2000 to 2014,
we have distributed more than 37,500 gearboxes in the               We offer a broad range of products that suit different
global market.                                                      types of industries and applications. Our products can be
                                                                    divided as following:
SUN LUNG not only owns many series of international well-
known production and machining equipment, but also has              ?	 Gearbox for Single Screw Extruders : SLF series
established the strictest inspection standard, including
raw material IQC inspection, manufacturing process IPQC             ?	 Gearbox for Single Screw Extruders : SL series
inspection and final product OQC inspection. The strict
QC process enables us to have the most precise quality              ?	 Gearbox for Single Screw Extruders : SLZ series
management in our company.
                                                                    ?	 Gearbox for Co-rotating Twin Screw Extruders : SLTW

To adapt to the demand of the rapidly-advancing industrial          ?	 Gearbox for Counter-rotating Parallel Twin Screw
society, we have been working hard to upgrade the                         Extruders : SLYW series
technique level of our products to the world's top standard
in recent years. The advanced manufacturing equipment               ?	 Gearbox for Counter-rotating Conical Twin Screw
in our factories enables us to produce gears with super                   Extruders : SLYZ series
high precision level. We have special processing technique
for complex and diversified gear variation and all kinds of         ?	 Gearbox for All-electric Injection Molding Machines
                                                                          SLFZP series

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