Page 39 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 39
Company News 10
INDIA 2017
International Plastics Exhibition & Conference
Where the future of plastic is...
JAN 2017
19 20 21 22 23 MUMBAI. INDIA
Clariant Healthcare Packaging facility in India plans production
Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, the strictest quality and compliance standards, and within
recently announced that the construction of its new a secure, truly global manufacturing network,” said
greenfield production facility in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, is Matthias Brommer, Head - Clariant Healthcare Packaging.
proceeding as planned and is expected to begin production “We are extremely excited that facility construction,
of dessicant canisters by the second semester of 2017. This and production plans are moving at full speed ahead,
plant will be a significant contributor to Clariant’s global according to schedule. The production capabilities at this
new facility will add significantly to our global dessicant
desiccant canister canister production capacity during 2017.” Advanced
production. canister mold and assembly designs ensure their ability to
This facility will withstand the rigors of high speed insertion, packaging,
manufacture and use. Colored labelling — including bright red — is
desiccant available to help differentiate desiccant canisters from
canisters, the drug products.
primary desiccant
platform for high- Thyssenkrupp to build PET
speed, high- plant in Russia
volume packaging
lines, often the case for generic drug manufacturers. In Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, the German
addition, Clariant is already assessing plans for expanded engineering, construction and service firm, has
production, including plans to add high-capacity multi- signed an agreement with the Russian jointstock
lane production of its versatile Continu-StripTMdesiccant
packets, which can be inserted with numerous types company Polyester
of standard dessicant insertion machinery.Clariant's Plant Ivanovo to build
extensive manufacturing footprint ensures quick delivery a new PET polymer
and competitive pricing, as well back-up capacity to meet and staple fibre
the BCP (Business Continuity Planning) requirements of production plant.
global players in the pharmaceutical industry. All products The facility, which
produced at the Cuddalore facility will meet US FDA and will have an annual
EU standards for use in pharmaceutical applications and production capacity of up to 200,000 tonnes of
will be USP <670> compliant. The Cuddalore facility polyester polymer, will be built in the Ivanovo region,
is equipped with an ISO Class 8 clean room and will 250km northeast of Moscow. The contract awarded to
implement GMPs and environmental controls with a Thyssenkrupp is worth around €150m (£125.6m) and
path toward ISO 15378 certification. Ketan Premani, includes engineering, procurement and the supervision
Head – Healthcare Packaging India, adds that, “The of erection and commissioning. Sami Pelkonen, chief
facility will also offer the full range of globally produced executive of the Electrolysis & Polymers Technologies
Clariant protective packaging systems and components business unit of Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions,
and link customers to Clariant’s global packaging design said: “We have a proven track record of providing our
capabilities. The facility and the other Healthcare customers in Russia with leading polycondensation
Packaging facilities around the globe ensure available technologies and equipment. “Commencing with the
back-up capacity to meet the BCP (Business Continuity basic engineering we utilised our experience from
Planning) requirements of our global customers.” “The numerous successfully realised orders in the country
new site will serve the Indian pharmaceutical industry to create a solid foundation for this project.”
with state-of-the-art desiccant products produced under
39 • December 2016 • Plastics News