Page 56 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 56
INDIA 2017
International Plastics Exhibition & Conference
Where the future of plastic is...
JAN 2017
19 20 21 22 23 MUMBAI. INDIA
“We are excited to welcome each of these new partners, “The strong participation at this meeting demonstrates
who bring perspectives from countries in Asia and Africa, that this industry is committed to providing solutions to
or types of plastic not previously represented in our Joint ensure a more sustainable future. Together, as a united,
Declaration,” said Steve Russell, vice president, plastics, global industry, we are involved in hundreds of marine
American Chemistry Council, at the 27th global meeting litter prevention programs in all regions of the globe. But
on plastics and sustainability in Hanoi, Vietnam. At the there is still much to do. Growing our ranks helps further
meeting, delegates also agreed that going forward the grow our work,” commented Callum Chen, secretary
group will become the ‘Global Plastics Alliance’. general of the Asia Plastics Forum.
Seven new industry associations join the 'Joint Declaration'; The Global Declaration was launched in March 2011 at the
Group, which includes India's AIPMA and IPI as members, 5th International Marine Debris Conference. Today, the
will operate as the 'Global Plastics Alliance' going Declaration has been signed by 69 plastics associations
forward. Delegates from 17 countries and four continents from regions across the globe. From India, All India Plastics
participated in the global meeting - making this the Manufacturers Association (AIPMA) and Indian Plastics
largest meeting to date. “Addressing marine litter issues Institute (IPI) are already part of this initiative.
effectively requires that we bring local, regional and
global stakeholders together. Broadening our fold helps Recognising their important role in fighting marine
us find new partners and opportunities to tackle this very litter, these plastics associations have launched and are
serious problem,” said Karl-H Foerster, executive director supporting projects in six key areas aimed at contributing
of PlasticsEurope. Plastic producers from around the to sustainable solutions. The six focus areas of the Global
world are coming together to keep used plastic out of the Declaration are education, research, public policy, sharing
environment, and to further improve the sustainability of best practices, plastics recycling/recovery, and plastic
these energy and resource efficient materials. pellet containment.
Domestic polymer demand in India sinks on demonetization
Domestic polymer demand in India has crashed since the government's demonetization policy
sparked a drop in retail goods sales, impacting polymer converters and the traders who supply
them says a report
The term demonetisation has become a household in spending will
name since the government pulled the old Rs 500 and pull down growth.
Rs 1,000 notes out of circulation. While as per dictionary The current step
demonetisation means "ending something (e.g. gold or could also lead
silver) that is no longer the legal tender of a country", to behavioural
one needs to see if there is anything more to the word. changes in
Perhaps theterm demonetisation is word that has got households'
all Indians worked up over the past weeks. savings and their
Also with experts across all mediums have been ready to pattern, say
give their opinion rather conviction as according to them economists. The
demonetisation has hit trade and consumption hard. With Plastics Industry
people scrambling for cash to pay for goods and services, also seems to be affected as Domestic polymer demand in
the move is likely to take a big toll on the country's India has crashed since the government's demonetization
growth and output during the current fiscal. Consumption policy sparked a drop in retail goods sales, impacting
makes up for around 56% of India's GDP , hence, a drop
• December 2016 • Plastics News 56