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New trends hold promise for plastic caps

Directional changes among food and drink brands are providing opportunities in the caps and
closures market, according to research group Euromonitor International

Directional changes among food and drink brands                    However, the packaging segment in India is an amalgamation
     are providing opportunities in the caps and closures          of both organized and unorganized players ranging from
market, according to research group Euromonitor                    very small players with limited presence to big players with
                                                                   large market share. Demand for this segment is anticipated
                                    International. Plastic is the  to grow rapidly across all the players. Also there is an
                                    main material for caps and     increasing focus on innovative and cost effective packaging
                                    accounts for 60 percent of     materials. Thus, the industry players are keeping in track
                                    the market, said Silvia de     with the changing trends in packaging and making efforts
                                    Almeida, packaging associate   to capture the market with higher technology orientation.
                                    at Euromonitor, speaking       Further with a viewpoint of health and environment
                                    at Plastics News Europe’s      friendliness, the growth
                                    Plastics Caps & Closures 2016  is packaging industry has
                                    conference held in Barcelona   been leading to greater
                                    earlier in November.           specialization and
                                                                   sophistication amongst
Beverage flip-top closures will see the fastest demand             the market players.
growth between 2015 and 2020, increasing 8.3 percent
annually, according to Euromonitor. De Almeida said the            More over it could be said
main reason for this is strong growth in bottled water.            that Plastics packaging
                                                                   segment is poised to grow at a good rate with the major
Over the five-year period Euromonitor forecasts annual             applications being in food, beverage and consumer goods.
growth of: 5.6 percent for overcaps (used, for example,            Several factors are enhancing the demand and supply of
on salty snack packaging); 5.3 percent for zip and press           plastics used in packaging across India such as high growth
closures; 3.9 percent for liquid carton closures; and 3.7          of end-user industry, dynamically changing lifestyles,
percent for screw closures.                                        availability of feedstock, focus on manufacturing, etc.
                                                                   However, gaining market share is difficult due to high
Sweet drinks are still dominant, but consumer trends in            competition, fragmented market and cheap imports from
health and hydration are causing a shift to bottled water.         the other nations. Thus to support the industry players to
And it’s not just water, but also tea and other ready-to-          retain their margins following initiative has been taken.
drink beverages that consumers are switching to, said              For e.g. To restrict plastic machinery imports from China,
Almeida. The healthy drink trend is attracting established         the Plastics Machinery Manufacturers Association of India
brands to enter different market categories.                       (PMMAI) has suggested the government to extend the
                                                                   imposing of antidumping duty on Chinese machinery for
“Who would have thought Nesquik would go into the                  another four years.
protein [drinks] business? But they did, and they’re doing
well,” said Almeida.                                               This is expected to help the Indian industry grow to
                                                                   be more competitive and increase exports. It will be
Brands are also responding to the “on-the-go” trend by             beneficial for industry as well as the government as it
launching smaller bottles that are easier to carry. After          would expand the country's ForEx reserve, improved
the success of its 250 milliliter can, Coca-Cola Co. has           balance of payment and employment generation with
launched a 250 ml plastic bottle with the brand’s familiar         industrial growth.
red cap. Smaller bottle sizes will become more widespread
in many drinks segments, with Almeida particularly noting
the growth in dairy drinks, such as drinking yogurt.

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