Page 78 - Plastics News December 2016
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Product NEWS                                                         10

                                                                                        INDIA 2017

                                                                                 International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

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                                                                                 JAN 2017
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Arkema & Prodways to develop                                 An innovative high heat-
PA12-based laser sintering
material solutions                                           resistant polyamide for

Following its historic partnership with Prodways’            automotive applications
    subsidiary Exceltec, Arkema has signed a strategic
partnership with Prodways to develop new PA12-               Radici Group and Röchling Automotive have teamed
based laser sintering material solutions to answer the            up to develop an innovative high heat-resistant
                                                             polyamide. A new product for turbo pipes was
                                                             presented during the 21st Plastic Materials Congres,
                                                             where, Radici group Performance Plastics introduced
                                                             its latest innovation, a new blow-moulding-grade
                                                             polyamide capable of standing up to continuous
                                                             exposure to hot air at temperatures of up to 230°C.
                                                             The material was developed for, and in collaboration
                                                             with, Röchling Automotive. Such a high level of heat

numerous demands for industrial applications. The aim        resistance opens up new opportunities in the metal
of this partnership, which combines Arkema’s expertise       replacement field, where parts are subjected to severe
in polymer materials and Prodways’ 3D printers, is to        environmental conditions. The new material belongs
develop new, complete and personalized laser sintering       to Radici Group’s RADILON® range of polyamide
solutions for any industrial application, from automotive    engineering thermoplastics, products that have a
to aerospace and medical. With this partnership,             wide variety of uses in the automotive, electrical/
Prodways and Arkema create new, unlimited potential          electronics, industrial goods and consumer goods
for innovation for tomorrow’s industries. Based on its       sectors. The RADILON® range includes both traditional
renowned material expertise and more than 60 years           formulations and, as in the case of the Röchling
of experience in polyamide powders, Arkema has been          Automotive partnership project, specialties with high
actively developing laser sintering solutions for more       innovative content, such as polyamides for continuous
than 10 years Prodways shares Arkema’s strategy based        operation at high temperatures, materials specifically
on accelerated innovation to pursue future applications.     designed for metal replacement applications and
Prodways offers laser sintering platforms which are open     materials featuring excellent resistance to chemical
to third-party materials and creates strategic partnerships  agents. The new product is a copolymer with a semi-
to develop the next generation of polymer materials.         aromatic component, which, in combination with other
Olivier Coulet, laser sintering materials Director and       additives used to retard the thermal oxidation process,
founder of Exceltec, confirmed: “The Arkema and              endows the material with very high heat resistance
Prodways teams have worked together on the co-               properties. Furthermore, the formulation ensures high
development of laser sintering powders for more than 10      melt strength and good blow-mouldability.
years. After many successes, such as the launch of new
PA12 powder formulas, the signing of the partnership
with Prodways will be the natural continuation of those
developments and will offer promising opportunities for
special grades, markets, and services in 3D printing.”

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